Where does Digital Venture stand in the Bpifrance Galaxy?

Bpifrance Digital Venture
Bpifrance Digital Venture
2 min readNov 8, 2022

Not always easy to find your way through the world of venture capital investment funds.

Who are we? The Digital Venture team is made up of 18 people within Bpifrance, who have been investing for over 10 years in the most ambitious French tech start-ups from Seed to Series B.

But where do we stand in such a big organization?

👉 Let’s start with a quick overview of Bpifrance’s main activities

Bpifrance is the public investment bank, a financing and investment body for the development of companies at every stage of their lives. There are 3 main business lines, with over 4.000 employees:

  • Financing: with €57 billion in loans, guarantees and credit insurances (the part for which Bpifrance is best known)
  • Consulting: support and acceleration
  • Investment: with €44,5 billion under management (we are here)

🔎 Zooming in a little more on Bpifrance’s VC funds

Bpifrance Investissement intervenes via indirect funds and direct funds:

  • Indirect funds: the fund of funds team invests in private investment funds on the market.
  • Direct funds: our specialized in-house investment teams invest in mid and large cap companies, SMEs or startups.

There are several teams that invest directly into startups. Some teams have a sectorial focus (e.g. life sciences, smart cities, etc). There are two sector-agnostic tech investment teams:

  • Large Venture: our growth fund, which invests in scale-ups, at the Series C stage and beyond (€30m+ rounds)
  • Digital Venture, our team ✌

With a focus on seed investments (from €200,000) and on Series A/B investments (up to €10m), the Digital Venture team invests in SaaS, marketplaces, deeptech, consumer apps, fintech and web3. Our goal is to keep supporting ambitious entrepreneurs over the long term, and offer a financing continuum to support the FrenchTech’s success stories.

Don’t miss the article on our Thesis to find out all about our investment thesis and the success stories we are proud of. Many of them will probably ring a bell!

Next time, let’s talk about you: reach out to us to introduce us to your business — please write to us at digitalventure@bpifrance.fr, we will be happy to discuss.



Bpifrance Digital Venture
Bpifrance Digital Venture

The French Sovereign Wealth Fund's Early Stage Tech Venture Capital Team