BPXL Craft Quarterly

Rebekah Wolf
BPXL Craft
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3 min readApr 3, 2017

Welcome to our first edition of BPXL Craft Quarterly, an occassional dose of design and development ideas from the Black Pixel team.

To help you keep up with our latest articles and tutorials, we’ll be collecting them in this easy-to-browse format a few times a year. If you follow BPXL Craft, watch for BPXL Craft Quarterly arriving in your email inbox.

Happy reading!

A Look Back at 2016

We capped off 2016 with a look back at the people, culture, and work that made it Black Pixel’s best year yet.

Our Favorite Xcode Shortcuts

From opening files and functions to quickly switching the assistant editor, Michael Gachet boosts productivity with these Xcode shortcuts.

Smart Strategies for Designing Accessible Apps and Websites

Our team explores design considerations that help create better product experiences for more people.

iOS Accessibility: Lessons We’ve Learned on Building Apps for a Wider Community

Michael Gachet, Kellen Styler, and Sam Corder share handy tips and tricks for building accessible iOS apps.

How to Make VoiceOver More Friendly in Your iOS App

Kellen Styler shows how a few development changes can create a much better experience for VoiceOver users.

30 Helpful Resources for Improving Mobile and Web Accessibility

Check out our favorite accessibility tips, tools, and tutorials for designers, iOS developers, and web developers.

How to Design Responsive Layouts in Framer

John Marstall shows how you can use key-value objects to design prototypes that respond to device type.

