Invisible Brace Vs Metal Braces in Lahore - The Advantage and Disadvantage of Each

Ensmile Pakistan
Braces in Lahore
Published in
6 min readJan 23, 2020
Braces in Lahore

Most people have a tough time to choosing which is the best way to straighten or re-align their teeth. This article is written to help them to see the advantages and disadvantages of both metal braces and invisible braces and will also help you make a good decision.

Also, when you meet an experienced dentist in Lahore, you will be willing to take an informed decision and get the best treatment which is suitable for you. You really need to get an expert advice from an experienced orthodontist in Lahore because Ensmile invisible braces in Lahore might not be suitable in all cases.

The many pros and cons of both braces and Ensmile invisible braces will be discussed to give you some information before meeting an experienced orthodontist in Lahore and making the right decision.

Metal Braces

Metal braces are made of metal, and the braces are attached outside the teeth. There are many types of braces in Lahore; some are made of ceramics and attached behind the teeth. Rubber bands and metal wires are attached to these brackets to control your teeth and correct the misalignment.

Metal Braces
Metal Braces in Lahore

Advantages of metal braces in Lahore

Can treat all Cases

Traditional braces can treat all cases, unlike Ensmile invisible braces, which cannot care for complex dentist cases. The complexity of your case notwithstanding, braces can solve it. They are the most powerful treatment process used in correcting multiple dental and facial issues and moves the teeth into the position you desire.

Disadvantages of Braces in Lahore

Give Better Results

Braces give better results than Ensmile invisible braces; they have more force or power to move the teeth into the position and correct the misalignment.

Multiple Choice

Gone are the days when braces of just metal braces brackets and wires, now we have ceramic and lingual braces to make them less visible. Patients can now choose to have braces without that metal look that some find embarrassing.


Some people find metal braces unattractive and awkward. They feel it affects their appearance and look.

Difficulty Brushing your Teeth

Unlike Ensmile invisible braces, you will have a lot of difficulty in brushing and flossing your teeth, and if you don’t do it properly you will have plaque around the braces, and they can lead to permanent stains on your teeth and teeth decay.

Make sure you follow the instruction of the experienced dentist in Lahore on how to brush and floss correctly while wearing braces.

Restrictive Eating

People wearing braces cannot eat foods like pizza, nuts, veggies, etc. because foods that are sticky and hard can break the bracket or dislodge it from a tooth. If this happens, you will have to meet with the experienced dentist in Lahore to repair this breakage. This will prolong your treatment time, especially in cases of multiple breakages.

Regular Consultations

When you have braces, you will have to visit your experienced dentist in Lahore regularly to adjust them and have him check your progress.

Ensmile invisible braces

Ensmile invisible aligners in Lahore are made of clear plastics, and they are made by taking a 3D impression of the patient’s mouth to get customized aligners for each patient. These customized braces move the teeth gradually until the desired position is acquired.

Ensmile invisible braces is not the best in all cases as the experienced orthodontist in Lahore will not use or recommend it for more complex orthodontic problems. Some Ensmile invisible braces patients require some attachments to give the aligner a firm grip and reshape the teeth.

Advantages of Ensmile Invisible Braces

Better Appearance

One of the favorite reasons for Ensmile invisible braces/aligners is the neat appearance and almost invisible feature. It can’t be easily detected by the majority if you are wearing one. This has helped in improving the self-confidence of teens and adults who are self-conscious.

It reduces name calling and school bullying; you can smile and not have to worry about people commenting on your new braces.

You can always take them out

Another important benefit of Ensmile invisible braces/aligners is that you can always take them out when you want to eat, brush, floss, or engage in some restrictive sports like soccer and basketball. Those with metal braces can’t do this, which allows them to eat choice meals, brush properly or engage in contact sports.

An experienced orthodontist in Lahore would advise patients to wear their Ensmile invisible braces/aligners for at least 20–22 hours every day; this gives you time to remove them when you want to eat, floss, brush, or engage in sports.

Improved oral Hygiene

You can always remove your braces and brush your teeth properly or floss; this will improve your oral hygiene and prevents everlasting stains on your teeth. People with braces can’t do this; they have to brush around the braces and do it carefully.

Fewer Consultations

Ensmile invisible braces/aligners require fewer consultations as most of the work is done before you get your new braces. Your orthodontist in Lahore will carry out a 3D scan of your teeth which will be used in customizing your aligners.

When this is done, there is no need for regular check up at clinic/hospital/dentist because you will be given multiple sets of braces to change every few weeks. Only a few visits are required to check your progress.


Ensmile invisible braces/aligners may cause you little pain at the initial wearing period, but you can be guaranteed of ease in no time unless in very exceptional cases. Another pro about Ensmile invisible braces/aligners is as a result of the 3d plastic material from which it is being made as evaluated to the wires and metals in metal braces — reducing the occurrence of mouth or gum hurt.

Disadvantages Of Ensmile Invisible Braces

Requires a lot of work

Ensmile Invisible Braces needs a lot of work; patients have to be disciplined. Remember that you have to wear them for at least 22 hours a day; this means you have to remove them before you start eating, brushing, flossing, or playing football. Many see this as exhausting.

You have to brush your teeth after eating before placing back your braces so that you won’t stain them. It requires control and will not be useful if you don’t wear them for the 22 hours.

The major reason why Ensmile Invisible Braces seems ineffective is that many people cannot fulfill with these rules and regulations.

It can be Inconvenient

Taking out and putting back your aligners can be inconveniencing. It can also be embarrassing when you take them out in public to eat. You need to handle your Ensmile Invisible Braces with care to avoid losing them when you take them out to brush your teeth before replacing your aligners.

This is because food particles can stain your braces and stop your teeth from adjusting. It also increases your risk of halitosis and cavities.


Ensmile Invisible Braces in Lahore is almost the same price as metal braces; this is because of the processes concerned in making it. The 3D scan and use of clear and flexible materials.

Before you decide on the treatment method to use, ask an experienced orthodontist in Lahore if you will get the same result from all treatment, from the answer you will be able to conclude on a suitable treatment for you.



Ensmile Pakistan
Braces in Lahore

Ensmile introducing first-time invisible dental aligners in Pakistan that is metal free wire, removable and painless.