Announcing Passage Testnet Trading Competition

Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2023

*** Update: Testnet launch and trading competition have been moved to October 17th.***

Passage testnet is here, and we’re kicking it off with some PvP action. DeFi’s newest structured product is bringing a unique way to leverage trade volatility based on price ranges, and it’s time to see who the real vol wizards are.

Passage Details

Designed as a simplified volatility marketplace, Passage provides a new way to trade for all market conditions. Price action looking stagnant? Short volatility with a Stay In Passage. Sensing an impending breakout? Opt for a long volatility position with a Breakout Passage. Beyond speculation, Passage can be used to hedge perps positions and spot holdings, a valuable tool for any trader’s arsenal, and much more straightforward to set up than a traditional hedge using options. Payouts are time based, so the longer a Stay In Passage remains in its range, or the quicker a Breakout Passage surpasses its range, the higher a position’s leverage multiplier goes.

Passage is designed for traders of all levels, so whether you’re just getting started in vol trading or are a seasoned options veteran, come explore what range-bound products have to offer.

Trading Competition Details

  • Select Passage on BracketX and sign up to start trading
  • Testnet and competition begin on 9/26
  • Passages are purchasable with ETH
  • Top 5 traders by PnL will receive prizes
  • BracketX NFT holders receive a multiplier based on which one they hold, so make sure you sign up with the same wallet if you own one, see tiers listed below
  • Prizes will be distributed in USDC, see breakdown below 👇

For any questions, get in touch with Bracket on Discord.

Best of luck traders!

