Earnings Reveal: In the Hunt for a $1,000 First Month!

Ryan Canady
Brag Board
Published in
6 min readJan 21, 2024
Photo by Adam Nir on Unsplash

Sunday always means another earnings report from me, and this one provides some exciting updates! Stick around to see how the numbers stack up.

Peeking over at the weather widget on my computer and seeing it display 4 degrees Fahrenheit isn’t even a shocker to me after the kind of week that it has been.

In my area, the major snowstorm that is crippling vast swatches of the United States has been particularly cruel to my area.

The lack of preparedness for this type of weather in my area coupled with the more than 8 inches of snow and ice has held me out of my office job for all but one day last week.

You might think that this meant much more time on Medium for me, and to an extent, that was true. However, there were also the concerns of simply getting through the freezing weather and hoping that the electricity would stay on (it did).

Then, there was seemingly a slowdown in traffic overall across Medium. At least that was the case for me and several others that I heard from.

Nothing can be done about that, you just have to chalk it up to volatility.

There are a number of factors that could have played into that, including some that I mentioned yesterday:

  • NFL Playoff football on TV.
  • Cold and snowy weather in many areas of the country (some might even have lost power).
  • A slowing of motivation and steam on the New Year’s Resolutions that some set up for themselves.

Ultimately, it could have been a lot of things.

The good news?

I’m not too worried about it because I have built up a head of steam here, and the only thing I can do is to continue charging forward.

In fact, I even attracted the attention of some pretty popular accounts here:

So yeah, you have to take the good with the bad. Maybe there has been a slight slippage in traffic volume, but there was some good attention from some popular accounts. I’ll take it!

Now, I know why you are really here, so let’s take a deeper dive into the numbers.

Follower Count

I tend to like to start with my follower count this week compared to the last.

I do this even though I KNOW that your follower count is ultimately not that important of a factor.

The only reason that it matters to some extent is simply because you need to have at least a base of followers to begin to see major earnings on the platform.

That being said, please note that an account with ~1,000 followers (like mine) can outearn an account with 3,000, 5,000, even 10,000 followers!

It all depends on how engaging your material is, what your read ratios look like, and how much you engage and contribute to the community.

So, this is to say that it would be VERY difficult for an account with just 100 followers to make a lot of money. However, an account with 1,000+ followers can outearn some with much larger followings.

For comparison to last week, the numbers look like this:

  • +263 since 1/14/24
  • Average gain of 37.57 followers per day for the last seven days
  • +796 since 1/1/24
  • Average gain of 37.90 followers per day since the new year

As you can see, there is very little change between what I was gaining per day in the beginning of the year and now.

I actually take that as a GOOD sign!

When I was first starting out in the new year, I was following way too many accounts. I earned plenty of follow backs, but they didn’t mean anything.

Now, I limit myself to following 10–15 accounts in a day, AT MOST!

Most of the growth now is purely organic, and that’s what I like to see.

Viewership and Reads

That chart looks a little like Bitcoin’s price chart doesn’t it?!?

Yes, I felt like I was on a rocket ship TO DA MOON for a minute there, but then gravity kicked back in and brought things down a little.

Again, I attribute this to many of the factors that I described above. That being said, I still take heart in the fact that views and reads have improved significantly on the week before.

Let’s take a look at how they stack up against last week’s numbers:

  • Views: ~4.1k
  • +2.3k since 1/14/24
  • Average of ~257 per day since 1/14/24
  • Reads: ~2.8k
  • +1.6k since 1/14/24
  • Average of ~171 per day since 1/14/24

Just for the curious, the high water mark came on January 15, 2024, with 438 views and 317 reads.

So things are still looking pretty rosy, but I am definitely off of that high watermark. I hope to get to it and beyond it in the near future.

E-Mail Subscribers

Before we get to earnings, I like to cover one more category that is very near and dear to me.

Those are my e-mail subscriber numbers.

I appreciate those who have signed up for my e-mails immensely because they are some of my most loyal and dedicated followers.

They are among the first to know when I put out a new piece, and they are truly treasured by me.

So, where are the e-mail subscriber numbers at currently?

Well, despite the screenshot above, there is actually one additional subscriber that hasn’t been added to the tally just yet.

So, overall, 92. Let’s see how it stacks up:

  • E-mail Subscribers: 92
  • +34 compared to 1/14/24
  • Average of 4.85 per day since 1/14/24

That’s a nice jump up!

Again, this is a statistic that I track very closely and do everything within my power to keep growing.


Once again, offering this as a video to be as transparent as possible!

There you have it, another week of gains. It’s an improvement on last week’s gain as well.

That’s not hugely surprising considering the high water mark that I hit on 1/15/24. However, I will have to put in quite a push to continue to grow my earnings in this coming week given the slowdown.

Here is how things break down:

  • Earnings: $595.40
  • +$275.73 since 1/14/24
  • Average of $39.39 per day
  • Last Week Earnings: $319.67
  • +$218.46 compared to 1/7/24
  • Average of $31.20 per day

All in all a big YAY! Increases and improvement for sure.

This also gives me at least an outside shot of hitting a $1,000 month in my first month on the platform!

The current pace would put me at $922.87 for the month, but obviously, I am aiming to improve upon that.

That number reflects my slower earnings growth at the beginning of the month.

If I can just maintain my $39.39 average from the past week for the remainder of the month, then I will hit $1,028.69 for the first month on the platform!

So for now, that’s the range I am looking at. $922 on the low end, $1,028 on the high end.

Let’s see what happens, and thanks as always for your support!



Ryan Canady
Brag Board

Lily (the dog) and I are on a quest to help educate and inform writers about this craft that we all love, join us!