Ancient Indian Inventions & Discoveries That Benefited The World- 2

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5 min readJun 4, 2020


There are a lot of inventions and discoveries done in Ancient India. Many of them were recorded and compiled but as there were a lot of invasions and war, most of them were destroyed.

But still there are a few accounts of discoveries and inventions that were survived.

Here I’m listing some of the inventions and discoveries of our Ancient Times that was recorded by The Early Hindus or Sanatanis.

1.Powder Metallurgy

Powder metallurgy (PM) is a term covering a wide scope of manners by which materials or parts are produced using metal powders. Powder metallurgy was utilized by The Indians from quite a while. The iron Pillar in Delhi which doesn’t get rust even today is the evidence for it. It isn’t the just one of its sort; there are a lot increasingly dissipated all through in India. The Russians who took scrapings from the column affirmed that it is made utilizing powder metallurgy innovation. The purported space-age innovation of today can make just little pieces utilizing powder metallurgy; they are commonly utilized as tips in cutting devices. How could our ancestors make such a major pillar utilizing powder metallurgy? The pillar resembles a time capsule — it is challenging the world. Would we be able to ascend to the zeniths of accomplishment to which our ancestors had reached?

2.Atomic Weapons

You may have found out about the incomparable Astras/Weapons referenced in our Puranas. Be that as it may, you might not have found out about them in detail:

“The Mahabharata — an antiquated Indian epic aggregated 3000 years prior — contains a reference to a horrible weapon. Deplorably, in our age of the nuclear bomb, the portrayal of this weapon detonating won’t seem, by all accounts, to be an exaggeration:
‘… . a bursting shaft had of the radiance of a smokeless fire (was) let off… ‘. That was the manner by which this weapon was seen. The results of its utilization likewise inspire automatic affiliations. ‘… This makes the assemblages of the dead unidentifiable…The survivors lose their nails and hair, and their food gets unfit for eating. For several
subsequent years the Sun, the stars and the sky remain covered with mists and awful climate’. This weapon was known as the Weapon of Brahma or the Flame of Indra… …

3.Atomic Physics

Buddhist instructor Pakudha Katyayana showed nuclear hypothesis. Maharshi Kanaada of third century, B.C. composed nuclear hypothesis in Vaiseshika Sutras. Agni Purana gives littler extents. The littlest of them is called Paramaanu which about equivalents one billionth piece of a meter. This worth counts with the size of a natural atom determined by the western researchers. As indicated by the Upanishads, the five components of the nature are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Akasa. (The antiquated Greek or Roman rationalists didn’t know Akasa). One can without much of a stretch speculation that the Earth speaks to the strong express, the Water the fluid state and the Air the vaporous state. The Fire is the plasma, the fourth condition of issue. Western science has not perceived atomic state as a condition of issue, despite the fact that some atomic particles are steady; Akasa implies atomic state. In the old Sanskrit content named Anu Sidhdhantam, Maharshi Goutama depicted three models of miniaturized scale scopes through which particles and electrons can be seen.

4.Speed of light

The Rig Veda Bhashyam by Sayana Madhava gives the accompanying Sloka adulating the Sun:

Yojanam sahasre dve, satadve, dvecha yojane Ekena nimeshardhena kramamaana namosthuthe:

One Yojana rises to 15788.8 meters, and half of Nimesha approaches 8/75 portion of a second. This gives the speed of light as 325940 km/s. We need to recall here that the above worth is a rough one planned for easy remembrance, such as recollecting the estimation of pi as 22/7. It is better than the worth 215000 km/s given by Danish space expert Ole Roemer in 1676. Having found such huge numbers of things, it is just intelligent to expect that our predecessors more likely than not utilized light as the standard for length estimations; all things considered, current science believes speed of light to be a Universal Constant! “Kramamaana” of the above Sloka has the concealed significance of steady moment change. This will be managed somewhat later.


Numerous specialists concur that crude gins and turning wheels started in India. The soonest tests of cotton texture were found in the unearthings of the Indus Valley. Tests of the most old stringent coloring strategy for cotton textures, Kalamkari, were likewise found there. The Kalamkari strategy was consummated in South India and the conventional technique proceeds till date. The Puranas portray turning and weaving that coordinate the cutting edge idea of an industry. The weaving business included particular manufacturing plants working in relationship with local ventures and paid at piece rates. The filaments utilized for turning and the textures delivered were of the most fluctuated types, unrivaled in some other nation during that period. Indians were outstanding for their aptitudes in turning and weaving which have not been outperformed by people groups of different terrains even in memorable past. Pliny’s Natural History educates that India sent out to Rome huge amounts of sheep fleece, woolen textures, hued floor coverings, silks, cotton garments, and textures extending from coarse canvas to materials of the best surface. Antiquated Indians had the notoriety of making the most slender saree that could go through a finger ring.



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