Meditation — A Realm of Conciousness !

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3 min readJul 17, 2020


Meditation and visualization is an important aspect of Tantric practice. There are three forms of Hindu meditation.

  • Meditation upon one’s Self as the subject — existent, consciousness and blissful.
  • Meditation upon the Impersonal Absolute and
  • Meditation upon a Personal Deity.
  1. Meditation upon one’s Self is directed at achieving “enlightenment” or an expansion of consciousness and a greater self‐awareness in which one realizes one’s true nature as an inseparable part of the Godhead or mode of Divinity. The ground of being. There is in fact nothing to be achieved by “spiritual practice” because we are already what we seek!. The spiritual practice is in fact a breaking down, a deconstructing of all our conditioning acquired over thousands of life‐times. This realization invariably leads to the next form of meditation.

2. Meditation upon the Impersonal Absolute which is the achievement of a mystical state of absorption with the Godhead. The practitioner after achieving Self‐ reclusion loses all self‐ awareness and sense of individuality and becomes totally absorbed into the Absolute in a state of supernal bliss.

3. Meditation upon a Personal Deity is a process of contemplation upon the form, attributes and glories of a chosen Deity either as male or female. The result of this form of meditation is increased devotion and love for the Divine, a recognition of Divinity in all beings and pervading the entire world. This ultimate realization of the interconectedness of all things leads to increased love and compassion and a desire to serve that Divine through service to all beings.

The first two practices are very difficult for the average person and indeed even most advanced spiritual aspirants never get beyond a state of experiencing perfect relaxation and boundless “peace” and “tranquillity”, and indeed this seems to be the greatest benefit from these forms of meditation.

The third form of meditation upon the form and qualities of a Divinity is relatively easy and can be practiced by anyone regardless of their degree of “spiritual” development.

Meditation is basically being alone with oneself in an environment which is free from external stimulation and distractions. Many people cannot cope with sense‐deprivation and being alone with their own minds, and if one is not ready to face oneself this can lead to neuroses. Therefore the need for a guide is stressed in all forms of meditation in which one is examining oneself with a view to becoming “enlightened”. There is no need for such a guide in the practice of meditation upon the Form and Attributes of a Deity and this is the safest and most productive form of meditation.



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