Brahma OS March Bi-weekly Report

Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2019

1. Technical progress

1.1 March 08

Brahma OS

GSI (generic system image)

  • Root OnePlus 5 into MoKee 9.0 and LineageOS 16.0
  • Fixed the access problem to the bootloader by using the MsmDownload tool of Oneplus.

Brahma Wallet

• Modified the Settings page of Brahma Wallet

• Added the fingerprint payment function

• Added the Quick Payment Account

• Realized the demonstration of the Quick Payment Account details

Brahma Pay

PPA (Payment Process Assistant)

• Realized the selection function of the withdrawal list according to the corresponding withdrawal status

• Improved the display of the withdrawal details page

• Improved the display of related page of account management.

1.2 March 15

Brahma OS

GSI (generic system image)

• The BrahmaOS code is ported to the Android-9.0.0_r33 baseline and uploaded to the Gerrit server.

• A new GSI project is built in Jenkins, so it can automatically construct the GSI every night.

• Support the running of BrahmaOS on OnePlus 5.

Brahma Wallet

• Realized the creation of quick payment accounts.

• Realized the modification of quick payment account name and profile image.

Brahma Pay

PPA (Payment Process Assistant)

• Realized the transfer function of BTC and ETH.

• Modified the login interface

• Modified the details page of withdrawal; added a progressbar; modified the layout; updated order status automatically when processing withdrawal request.

2. Operation

2.1 On February 28th, we started a Q&A activity on Twitter: “What is your most anticipated function of a blockchain mobile phone?” and received a great deal of interesting replies, the following are the most creative and interesting replies we chose.

2.2 On March 13–14, Brahma OS team participated the Token2049 which was held in Hong Kong. This event attracts numerous projects around the world and its guests included the Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin, NEO founder Hongfei Da, Tron founder Justin Sun, etc. It has been a great experience to participate in this event and discuss the importance of privacy security in crypto industry with other projects.

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