Brahma OS March Progress Report

Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2019

1. Technical progress

1.1 March 29

Brahma OS

Brahma Wallet

• Realized the transaction function between quick payment accounts

• Realized the display of the recipient QR code of the quick payment account

• Be able to check the bills as well as the details

• Optimized the withdrawal process

Brahma Pay

Merchants’ PPA (Payment Process Assistant)

• Realized the display of order list

• Realized the display of withdrawal list

• Realized the review function of withdrawal request

Platform’s PPA (Payment Process Assistant)

• Realized the display of order list

• Realized the display of withdrawal list

• Realized the review function of withdrawal request

• After reviewing, the withdrawal money will be transferred to the designated account

Merchant Console

•Displayed the basic information of merchants

•Realized the display of the pre-payment order list

•Realized the display of the order list

Platform Console

•Be able to check merchants’ information

•Be able to display the quick payment account list

•Realized the check and filter of all order list

•Be able to display the recharge orders

•Realized the display and review of the withdrawal request

1.2 What is the quick payment account?

The quick payment account is created by Brahma Wallet, which allows users (hereinafter the “you” or “users”) to trade or transfer money more quickly with merchants or other quick payment accounts, and does not charge any transaction fees during this process. The quick payment account makes the cryptocurrencies can be used and circulated in real life.

Here are several points you should know about the quick payment account:

• When open the quick payment account, no privacy information such as mobile phone number, ID card, email address, private key, mnemonics, etc. will be stored;

• The generation of the quick payment account is strictly in accordance with the BIP39/43/44 which is the generation specifications for mainstream blockchain accounts;

• Please keep your wallet mnemonics and transaction password safe, and don’t share them with others. Your account can be restored through these mnemonics when you are using another mobile phone or the cache of your mobile phone be cleared;

• After opening the quick payment account, you can enjoy the fast transfer (no transaction fees), bill management and many other services;

•Whether you have a quick payment account or not, the function of Brahma Wallet can still be used and it can help you to process the normal payment.

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