Embracing sustainable digitisation to maximise business opportunities

Mobiquity Inc. Amsterdam
Brain Bites
Published in
5 min readMay 16, 2022
Matt Williamson, VP Global Financial Services

Matt joined Mobiquity two years ago. He talks about the importance of digital within financial services, and how consumers have come to expect digital solutions and products, but demand more sustainable activities from their banks and financial institutions. And by making financial inclusion a top priority, banks and financial institutions, can play their part in improving communities’ standard of living worldwide.

Matt Williamson: Hi I’m Matt and I’m from the United Kingdom. I am car obsessed and an F1 fanatic, it’s a family thing! I enjoy the outdoors and spending time in the Lake District with my wife, kids and Rufus the family dog. I love to read, especially biographies, or books about strategy and WWII. I find it fascinating to learn about the strategies they chose to use and their reasons why, but I also like to see how it worked out. It’s very true that not all plans survive the first contact, so while it’s important to build a strategy and plan, it’s vital that you are also ready for obstacles and flexible enough to adapt for success. I guess you could say I enjoy the human psychology aspect of going through the stages leading to making judgement calls that can be, quite literally, life alternating decisions. Basically Amazon lives at my house and almost everywhere I go I will buy a book.

Growing up, I didn’t excel in school and was unsure about what I wanted to do with my life. I started working in many different types of jobs, from factory work, to parcel processing, the passport office, to logistics, until I made my way to Thomas Cook where I worked in the fraud department investigating travellers checks for Mastercard and VISA. I’ve always been curious and open to new opportunities so when I saw an opening for a job on an IT help desk that could combine my passion for technology and geekism, I thought it would be a great way to get into the technology industry. I progressed through the ranks there to run the regional division focused on global business payments. That was my first stepping stone into the fintech and disruption business, where I have been working ever since.

I was originally approached by Mobiquity in early 2019 but mutually, we both decided it just wasn’t the right time. Fast forward to 2020, we got back in touch and I joined the team. Why Mobiquity? For me the values of the company and people really aligned and permeated through everyone I met with and spoke to. Working here for a while now I can definitely say there is a fantastic company culture that really puts the employees best interests first. And the intelligence level across the board is extremely high, which really facilitates the innovative and talented work that we do here.

Improving the customer experience

My role as the VP of Global Financial Services, is to fundamentally make sure we are always looking one to two steps ahead of where the market is moving towards. That we are continually developing and implementing strategies that will enable our clients and our company to grow and become as successful as possible, all while ensuring that human centricity is at the heart of everything we do. The way in which Mobiquity works, and the way in which the world is shifting into more digitised personalised offerings, means that both are coming together at the right time, which is very exciting to be a part of. We are growing from strength to strength, as we are in the right marketplace offering high quality solutions that are needed by our clients. It truly shows the value of our offering when the market comes to you!

I really enjoy working through the various challenges faced within the industry and working hard together with our experienced the team to help resolve or overcome those roadblocks. We are currently working with many great clients around the world to really explore banking innovation, and develop and implement digital services and products that not only satisfy and exceed customers satisfaction, but also give our clients a great competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Digital is expected, sustainability is demanded, inclusion is priority

Financial services as a whole has gone through significant changes over the past nineteen months. Customer expectations are shifting and the drive to digital has accelerated at a faster pace than expected. As people have been forced to go digital, there is a new confidence among those previously weary. Customers no longer need or necessarily want a physical bank to conduct their financial transactions. Looking at the next generation of consumers, our children and grandchildren, they have no concept of having to plan and wait for things as they can simply go online, make a purchasing decision and execute within a matter of several clicks. They expect everything instantly by definition, and anything outside of this is considered poor service. If you are not where your customers are on their digital journey, then you are out of touch and risk losing customers.

Through our recent research, we have found that customers are also demanding much more than just digital solutions from their financial organisations, but also sustainable and transparent activities. And although many banks and financial institutions are vocal in supporting financial sustainability, many do not act on what they preach. Now is the time for action! And if companies start to embrace sustainable digitalisation, banks and financial institutions have a golden opportunity to not only carve out new revenue streams and business opportunities, but also future-proof their business and be in front of this ever changing, new financial marketplace that aligns with new customer values.

We all know that digital enables a larger reach and wider audience outside of traditional markets or geography. However, it is important that priority is placed upon financial inclusion and access for everyone worldwide. When banks make financial inclusion their priority, they are taking a customer-centric approach that enables customers to make smarter financial decisions through multiple product service options, regardless of the bank they choose. The larger result of this approach not only assists in providing customers with the means of storing money and managing payments, but more importantly over time it helps to improve the overall standard and quality of life within communities.

If you’re interested in knowing more about Digital Pure Play Banking and what top financial institutions should be considering, sign up and join me for an on-demand recording with Fintech Finance, Brett King and Ruby Walia.

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Originally published at https://www.mobiquity.com.

