Strain is Hazardous to Personal Liberty Gains from Current Health

Human Animals Thrive on Innate Negative and Positive Stress, differing from Botanical Innate Vertical Strain

Patrick L. Cheatham
Distributed Breen Introspections
4 min readApr 5, 2023


First Edition. By Patrick L. Cheatham, M.S.A.E. April 5th, 2023. From the Publication Brain Commentaries. This essay’s word choices and truths assertations are entirely the author’s opinion. Copyright © 2023 Talon 38 Personal Media, Sm-LLC. Textually conveyed ideas are Human Domain, Rights Reserved to Each of Every Human Living. Word pairs, triples or quadruples are not Trademarked, and denying their free flow and usage, by any reader or advisor’s impetus, spreads or condones Censorship by unaware Reverse Marking.

That condition we often in the United States (invalidly) term “under pressure” is actually and factually more effectively and truly termed “under strain”. Under pressure we all are continually: atmospheric barometric gaseous pressure. We have pressure as factors in the human carriage or body, the pressure of which if disturbed or worked against can cause pressure differentials in the inner ear and in the joints. This is called decompression and involves the syllables for de/com/pression, or de-pressure depression. This in notion could cause too low pressure in the interior portions of our human brain groups, and especially in our core secular or atheistic soul, the mesencephalons/midbrains who are each of us, seeing and hearing from centroid zones of the body groupings we co-augment and with which we live as enactors.

Pressure terms do more than not matter; they aim wrongly. (Stock agency illustration.)

Negative stress is part of the essence of biological animal life. Negative and positive internal self-stimuli alternate in alternations, with a suite of stimuli in concert, and with exact timing of alternations shiftable and not all switching simultaneously, nor concurrently switching.

Negative assessments are much shorter in time duration, than are the resulting and ensuing (immediately after and as generated by the negative valuation, such as if and when noticing that the trash could soon to medium future get more hindering and messier, to hourly living) periods of doing and performing the result and response to the negative stress, which is to engage in positive stress enjoyably, by working with the trash.

(Positive stress enjoyable period durations vary greatly in time between the defining and more stimulating negative stresses and these periods are not constant over differing occurrences — in duration — non-repeating of timespan.)

These negatives are brief but provide us with an avenue for tasks and processes, and short to medium missions. Importantly, that’s a simplified mental model, with only one linear line of sequencing, so is not rigorous to live exactly by, but instead this idea set is “introductory.” It could be imagined akin to very short heartbeat monitor negative short periods, followed by durations of no negative brief pulse down, but intermittent. The trash case might involve a brief negative stressor at approaching lid arrangement and placement to not overflow trash, for another brief pulse of negative, then enjoy loading a bag from the floor items.

The negative stress is not to be avoided or veered away from. Awareness of negative effects of failure to rectify plus estimation of cost to self, both also are parts and ingredients that comprise the nature of the positive stress we enjoy and thrive on doing.

(Stock agency photograph)

To suggest that stress should be not engaged in is to advocate more strain and human animal discomfiting situations of strain. Though health might only decline partially from this, so as to be no danger of death, health would decline from this effect in a way optimized for partial entrenched discomfort not adjustable, to mild suffering non-dramatic and continual, which is unfortunately not considered ugly in living by many, who would rather affect ugly effects on others, by way of vilifying and demonizing the status of the dead, the remains of those no longer at risk of ugly treatment. Those who desire to save lives for rescue opportunity also collect lives to their intermittent and partial health transfer of sway and personal human powers authority.

Do "stress out” with mental throughput, “stress in” via sensory input, and “stress within” neuron lattices, at all times while not in an (impossible) statis state statuesque, which is while living.

Thank you for reading. This terminology mire could be corrected in organizational technical and official documentation, as possibly the only way to rectify this language cist, which the reader if of option and interest could possibly enjoy stimulating, suggesting, or performing.



Patrick L. Cheatham
Patrick L. Cheatham

Written by Patrick L. Cheatham

I haven't immersed much in Television since the year 1979. My stories feature wordage relics from previous to 1990. Awkward decades old usage is the main.

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