9 months of Brain Development

If there is nothing going on in my brain, I don’t know how to help the brains of others.

Brain Excrement
3 min readNov 5, 2021


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

Having valuable content to contribute is very powerful. I’m barely 3 weeks in writing on medium and I’m learning that I don’t have any mental value to write to a reader. I’m still learning how to navigate through this site, how to use standard features and actually develop as a writer. Jari Roomer is one of many writers that I asprire to be on medium.

It is a humbling experience to read his articles because I can see just how miniscule and rudimentary my writing actually is. He wrote the article below a few days ago and he seems to be saying very similar suggestions of others successful as him. If you haven’t read this article I suggest you do it now if you are interested in prospering on this site.

“We must aspire to help others and in return it will help us.” — Mike Tyson

How can I help you?

If you are reading this I honestly don’t think I can help you today. I am still fresh and new as a writer on medium. All I can do at this point is share the people I follow on this site that are successful. I have to take the time to follow their instructions and go from there. I’m starting here and trying to move forward by following people that have the results that I want.

What Happens Now?

I am participating in a writers challenge with Zulie Rane. She has a November challenge going on to write everyday. I literally missed the first day after working a 16 hour shift. I enjoy the content she posts pushing and helping other writers to develop their skills on this platform. Shes is concsie and consistent with her content as well with structure and less words.

What happens in 9 months?

I made a deal with people at work to compete and lose more weight than them in 9 months. I also made a deal with myself to write on medium as much as I possibly can. I want to see where I develop physically and mentally in my life after 9 months of taking the time to invest in myself.

“Passion doesn’t pay the bills.” -Zulie Rane

Photo by Leohoho on Unsplash

I enjoy writing and I want to develop a way to be paid for it. I can’t stand to work for someone else, and be told where to go and what to wear. I miss my family, friends and my girlfriend. If I could even generate a passive income from medium and go from their I’d be happy.

Final Thoughts?

I’m on a mission right now to do what I can to develop as a writer and eventually make money on medium. I really struggle mentally to push anything out on paper. My honest final thoughts I am glad I put something on here and I hope to keep writing better things than I am now.

