Don’t Zone Out. Stay Tuned In.

Rewiring the brain of its own rotten, selfish desires. Trade it in for a healthy state of mind.

Brain Excrement
3 min readNov 17, 2021


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

“Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love.” ―Vince Lombardi

Having no money and struggling to catch up with bills is such a ball breaker. I don’t want to be writing on medium just for money. From what I’ve read on this platform that’s not how this works.

The cost of living, relationships, and building a life savings has become almost impossible on a single income. Many successful people I know today are financially involved in more than one thing.

Getting your mind off the money and out of the gutter for the first month on medium is more than difficult. All I have on my mind are my own selfish problems and desires that prevent me from actually providing the reader with valuable content.

I don’t own or rent a home or apartment. Because of the pandemic, I’ve had to get a roommate in an apartment but my name is not actually on the lease. I struggle to keep my mind off of chasing money because that’s literally all I do.

My main purpose when I get up every day is how to develop more ways to make more money every day.

I’m discovering in my adventures of chasing money that I actually suffer from having a poor mind.

Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash

I’ve noticed wealthy people use words in their vocabulary like longevity, IRA, and work to save as much of their income as possible so that their interest compounds.

I’ve noticed wealthy people take the time to invest in themselves. Over the time they spent building and working, the attraction of the success brought people wanting to find out what they did.

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchhill

I just read Zulie Rane article on how she has been writing on medium for 3 years consistently developing her skills and relationships with the people on this platform. They trust her. They value her because of the value she put into herself.

In the article, she mentions her income for this entire year almost making six figures. Her YouTube tutorials, along with a constant commitment to her audience keep readers engaged and invaluable to the medium platform.

Zulie Rane is experienced and very well known to the writing community. I’ve flipped through many medium stories all mentioning her and how well she writes.

I don’t exactly know how to write well. From what I have read on medium I can say that I can recognize who is good. I do enjoy their suggestions, experiences, and the fact that they have the results that I want. I saved this article Zulie wrote recently and I’m using content like this as a foundation to start and build off of.

Final Thoughts

I do appreciate Zulie and many others on this platform. They are an inspiration to people like myself starting out. I enjoy seeing their writing efforts prosper on medium and will most likely be mentioning others in the future. If you are still reading at this point, being honest I am sorry I don’t have what people like Zulie have today. I will continue to work towards that. Thanks and God bless.

