Working my Brain After my Brain has Been at Work.

Brain Excrement
Published in
3 min readOct 29, 2021

I am unable to express, convey or process a thought after a 12 hour work day.

Where is my brain after working for someone else?

Photo by ANTHONY SHKRABA production from Pexels

I signed up for this platform almost two weeks ago and am having trouble putting words on paper after I get off of work.

I struggle to convey or deliver a message on medium. I am mentally and physically exhausting myself everyday at work for 12 to 16 hours. I’m hoping to maintain consistency in writing and to identify and fix my mistakes.

So What is the Problem?

Me looking for the thoughts in my Brain

Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

I’m brain dead. I work for a software company 12 hours a day minimum. I am on a salary pay that still requires endless hours of critical thinking, stressful physical challenges, and has rigorous and aggressive deadlines. I sold my soul to my job with the premium health insurance they provide, company vehicles and a phone to answer 24/7 at their beck and call. My problem is my mind belongs to my job as well and that is why I’m here.

So What am I Looking For?

I don’t want to mentally and financially feel so dependent on my job. I don’t want to deal with the level of exhaustion and pressure that my job requires. The level of micro-management, standards and expectations of my job are quite bothersome to my mental and physical well being. I’m looking for a way on medium to get my mind to being mine again. I seek freedom mentally and financially. My dream days are spending them with my girlfriend and her daughter not worrying about finances or our jobs. To be completely honest I would love to just spend every day with her and not have to worry about anything.

Is there a solution?

The board is my life and the pieces are the choices I made

One of the few solutions that I have is to look for a better job that offered more money and less stress. My goal is to stay at this job another 6 months and then to start applying to other places to see what my options are. After 6 months I will have been at my job a full year. I want to put myself in a better position for more money or a better job somewhere else. Another option is to develop my writing skills on medium. I’d like to connect and network with other people that have the results I want on this platform. My absolute last solution is to move back with my parents and even then I wouldn’t do it. I’m 31 years old and I’ve been self sufficient since I was 18.

So How can I Fix my Brain Right now?

Practice writing. I’m honestly not even sure if anyone reading this is understanding what I am going through or if this helps them at all. All my articles so far have only been about me. If you have read this far I do sincerely and genuinely apologize for how selfish and disgusting this article is. I’m sorry if there wasn’t anything that you got out of this read. If you could leave a comment and let me know who or where I could get help I appreciate you.

Final Thoughts

I promise to myself and to the readers improvement will come more and more. I will be a better writer and I will work to get my brain back belonging to me. Thanks for anyone who took the time to read this and God bless.

