How breathing changed my life… with 4 simple steps

Adriana Ivascu
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2020
© bugaiova_valeriya

Yes, you all know how to breathe, breathing is the source of life… Yet most of you do not know that your breath, or prana, can give you superpowers.

For breath is life, so if you breathe well you will live long on earth. — Sanskrit Proverb

As a growth coach and creative strategist, I had the pleasure to meet and work with amazing, smart people from different backgrounds and nationalities. Many, myself included, often felt overwhelmed by how life, or specifically work-life, unfolds nowadays.

That is why I am writing this article, hoping to help you too. Because I felt stuck before, stressed, demotivated or even in physical pain. But mindfulness and self-healing were always my interest, and when I started using 1 key strategy, my life took a turn.

When stress reached unacceptable levels, and the alarm bells started to ring, I began using ‘breathwork’ as my go-to healing method. The results are “breath-taking”.

“The breath knows how to go deeper than the mind.” Wim Hof

My go-to strategy was created by the Dutch superhuman, Wim Hof (nicknamed ‘the ice-man’). It is an amazing mix of yogic breathing and cold immersion. It helped me mentally, spiritually and physically. His strategies are backed up by science and proven to work on so many people. I recommended it to everyone who shared their struggles with me.

Some benefits I experienced, include:

  • Stress reduction
  • Better sleep
  • Increased energy levels
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Increased confidence levels
  • Better concentration
  • Just overall feeling better and in-sync with myself, realizing what matters and what drains my energy.

But there are many other proven benefits.

Here are the 4 steps of WHMB:

Step 1: Sit Comfortably

  • Any position that allows you to breathe properly (lying down or sitting).

The beautiful part: you can do it anywhere. I have to admit that sometimes I did it at work, on the toilet! If you need it, you will find a way.

Step 2: 30–40 Deep Breaths / A natural high

  • Eyes closed, focus on the breath. Inhale through the nose or mouth, exhale through the mouth. Each time, repeat in short, powerful breaths. Because you are hyperventilating (for me it’s by the 10th breath) you might feel light-headed and tingly in your arms and legs. This is perfectly normal and safe.

The beautiful part: the session is like nothing you felt before, you feel light and peaceful.

Step 3: Hold it!

  • When the cycle is over: deeply inhale one last time, exhale completely and stop breathing. Hold as much as you can.

The beautiful part: the more you practice, the longer you will be able to hold your breath. Progress is amazing. My tip: try and time yourself.

Step 4: Recovery breath

  • When you have the urge to breathe again, breathe in and fill your lungs with long full breath! Hold it for 15 seconds. Your whole body will feel like it’s expanding.

Repeat this cycle 3 or 4 times. The 1st time you might only do it once, do not worry! Time is on your side.

The beautiful part: The overall feeling of bliss. You are giving your body and mind the best gift ever. You can hop in a cold shower after, to feel the full benefits of this technique. You won't feel the cold…

“The limit is not in the sky. The limit is in the mind.” Wim Hof

It’s your turn! The best time is now. Be present, that is how you learn from the past and create your future…

You can practice alone or attend Wim’s workshops. Whatever works for you.

If you are still sceptical, you did not reach a tipping point in life, but I do hope this will benefit you regardless.



Adriana Ivascu

Growth Coach and Creative Strategist. I help people and companies grow to new heights with my creative juices.