How Does Your Brain Create Your Experiences?

A preliminary model of human cognition, and what that means for your life

Lina Boudier
Brain Labs


A plastic model of a human brain cut in the mid-section. The brain produces our experiences — or perhaps it might be more accurate to say that our experiences are the side effects of brain activity.
Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash // “Hey, it’s ME, your brain! I am you and yet a complete mystery to your conscious self… How bonkers is that?? Now, gimme more chocolate.”

In this article, I propose a model for how the human brain creates our lived experiences based on my own scouring of the literature. My interest in better understanding cognitive processes comes from a desire to consolidate my own experiences: namely, residing in…



Lina Boudier
Brain Labs

An economist with a love of humans. I write about culture, economics, and cultivating peace of mind