Thank the Women Who Crashed into Politics & Leadership

In honor of Sandra Day O’Connor, Rosalyn Carter, Diane Feinstein and more

Patricia Jeanne
Brain Labs
Published in
11 min readDec 9, 2023


Photo of a seated woman levitating about 4 feet off the ground. She appears to have rope angel wings.
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

Former President Obama’s statement on the passing of retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor found its way into my ‘Everything Else’ email recently.

I normally don’t like to write about breaking news and views unless I think my perspective can add to the discussion. Things change rapidly, but death has a certain finality. I didn’t finish a piece on California Senator Diane Feinstein's passing on September 29, 2023, though I gave it serious thought. Former First Lady Rosalyn Carter died on November 29, 2023. Tributes to former President Jimmy Carter’s wife impressed me, but I’m not inspired to rehash news reports.

As the trailblazing women’s deaths hit, I felt their loss as though they were the first leg of a 4-person Olympic relay race. It could be I relate to being the second or third sprinter and want those who will carry the baton to an elusive finish line to appreciate the first few laps and the terrain.

Society owes these women a debt of gratitude for their agility and determination, whether we supported their views or not.



Patricia Jeanne
Brain Labs

I write satire, tech-related, and personal essays. Interests include cybersecurity, tech use & Neuroscience. Lizzie Lizard Brain is my darker, funnier side.