Breaking Boundaries

Time Warp Revisited: The Rocky Horror Phenomenon

The enduring influence of a cult classic

Gael MacLean
Brain Labs
Published in
13 min readFeb 17, 2024


Poster art of iconic transvestite face.
Image created by Author in Midjourney

Being in San Francisco in the 70s was like living in the heart of a cultural revolution, one that I never wanted to leave. I can still remember those days, wandering through Haight-Ashbury, stepping through a portal from the peace-and-love hippie era into the emerging LGBTQ+ scene. Those were the days of real community spirit, where every Sunday felt like a mini-revolution, cheering on the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, feeling like we were all part of this huge, world-changing movement. We had hope.

Polk Street was where magic happened at night. Drag queens ruled the scene, and every show was outstanding. It was where I first learned the true meaning of courage and fabulousness. The Castro was like a second home, a safe haven where friends could just be themselves, openly and proudly. And then there was Folsom Street, edgy and daring, a place where people explored their desires freely, challenging every taboo.

New to SF, I was puzzled by the odd names of the bike gangs hanging on Folsom. Until my friends explained to me what Golden Showers really meant. I was so young and so very naïve. Demonstrations turned into riots protesting the murder of Harvey Milk, my first taste of tear gas…



Gael MacLean
Brain Labs

Award-winning creator bringing a fearless approach to exploring new creative worlds across multiple disciplines. Portfolio -