Young People Aren’t Marrying Anymore — and It’s Women’s Fault

Why marriage plummeted in popularity right after feminists ‘fixed it’

Loudt Darrow
Brain Labs


Image by robots

Young people aren’t marrying anymore

You’d think all these twenty-somethings with Tinder swipe fatigue would be tired of being the big spoon to a pillow every night, but no — the popularity of marriage is on such deep a nosedive I might as well come forth to confirm the bad news.

All the good ones are taken.

From the US all the way to China, the Internet seems to have bred a generation of chronically uncuddleable back slouchers who refuse to venture past the “It’s complicated” realm of Facebook’s relationship status updates. They won’t even do it for the tax breaks.

This is all women’s fault

I know I sound like a walking fedora who’s having trouble slipping off his full-body red flag costume when I say that, but think about it — women were the ones who took a look at the traditional gender roles of the cereal-packet family and decided to revolt against them.

Was this a good thing? Yes. Girls aren’t forced to marry a retrograde manspreader fresh out of puberty anymore. They can have their own careers and bank accounts. They can power…



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