How does SMART brain training work?
Brain Training News
4 min readJun 15, 2020

We often get asked, so how does SMART brain training work and what is involved. Well, read below on some of the answers including the science behind SMART.

Brain Training : What Is A Relational Skill?

A relational skill is a skill involved in understanding the relationship between things in the world. Understanding the relationships between a set of cousins, or understanding that a particular group of plants are all of the same kind (e.g., flowers), or understanding that a Poodle is a type of dog but a dog is not a type of poodle, are all examples of basic relational skills. But of course, they get more complicated than this. The relational skills you need to understand high level mathematics or to read and speak well, are more advanced skills. SMART brain training teaches a range of basic but crucial relational skills and brings your relational skills to expert levels, so that all intellectual tasks come easier. SMART brain training makes you a faster and better learner. SMART helps new information make more sense, and helps you think more clearly. Read about our SCIENCE

What is IQ?

IQ stands for “Intelligent Quotient” IQ relates to a score that a person or child scores from conducting a IQ test usually delivered by a qualified psychologists to assess level of intelligence. A persons IQ level should be used in conjunction with several intelligence scales and most modern psychologists consider IQ as a general indicator of intelligence. The most used standardized IQ test used today is known as the “WAIS”. This IQ test consists of seven verbal tests and seven brain performance tests. IQ is still used in schools, education and business — it can be used as a predictor for academic results and in a corporate setting as a predictor for job performance, usually through the guise of psychometric testing.

What Does Brain Training Involve?

The SMART brain training course from RaiseYourIQ is divided into levels with blocks of questions. The course involves teaching the user how to answer blocks of logical questions, first with feedback — and then on their own without any help. There is 30 seconds to answer each question. During training blocks we tell you whether or not your answer is correct. During test blocks you need to answer all of the questions on your own. Once you pass a test, you move on to the next level. You progress like this through the levels, collecting points as you go. You even get bonus points for revising stages you have passed before, because the more you revise the smarter your brain will get. The course should take between three to six months to complete.

Why Is SMART “Brain Training” different?

SMART is not like any other form of brain training, and at RaiseYourIQ we use the term “brain skills training” , or a behavioral training course.
SMART Brain Training has been developed by education leaders and published psychologists following over ten years research in schools and university. SMART Brain Training does not work by merely improving working memory or teaching users how to perform well on IQ tests. Instead, our SMART brain training course teaches the fundamental cognitive skills necessary to improve learning and reasoning in school,business and in everyday life.
SMART Brain Training enhances the entire intellectual skill set.
Some brain training “games” just focus on working memory, the SMART Brain Training course (we want our users to see this as an educational course with real world benefits) covers the 4 key areas of “Intellectual Performance”

(1). Verbal Comprehension — improve ability to listen to a question and draw upon learned information

(2). Perceptual Reasoning — improve ability to examine a problem, organize thoughts, create solutions, and then test them

(3). Processing Speed — increase attention to quickly scan, discriminate between and order visual information

(4). Working Memory — increase the ability to memorize new information, hold it in short-term memory and concentrate

Brain and Cognitive Skills

Brain and cognitive skills exercises are at the core of the SMART brain training system. Based on over 10 years clinical research in universities and schools by Doctor Sarah Cassidy and Doctor Bryan Roche, SMART brain training consists of over 70 modules made up of several brain exercises with increasing difficulty levels that target all cognitive skills including verbal comprehension, reasoning, processing speed plus working and long term memory. Brain and cognitive abilities are the brain-based skills we all need to effectively carry out any task from the easiest to the most difficult. Brain training works by improving skill specific changes in the brain which then carry into bigger changes across many different types of skills training and learning ability.IQ tests and results demonstrate that as the brain becomes smarter at a skill, the brain no longer needs to work as hard at it. The brain now shifts to more automatic processing as that skill is learned.


Brain Training News

Brain training course that is scientifically proven to raise intelligence levels in adults and children by over 20 IQ points.