Mikkel Malmberg
Brainbow makes products
2 min readMar 16, 2018


It’s 2am. You planned to go to bed 4 hours ago but even though you could’ve guessed where this would end you visited YouTube.

Eyes sore, head spinning. You are at your twentieth video in a row. Or was it thirtieth? In the middle of a binge, the stream of videos seems so natural. You flow between categories and themes, hand in hand with YouTube’s algorithms, in a game of never ending Ooh that reminds me of…

You’ve long forgotten where this began. The last few videos were of Queen songs with the vocals singled out. What an amazing talent he was! And you can’t go to bed juuust yet because there’s at least a few more Related Videos and what about cover versions? There must be some good cover versions of this song.

If you’re anything like me you can’t control YouTube at night.

Introducing: YouTube Binge Bundler™

YouTube Binge Bundler™ looks at your YouTube History for what looks like a recent binge and turns it into a playlist, easily shareable with friends and family.

If your binge looks like other binges, our Machine Learning robots will suggest videos to add to your journey.

I always end up having at least a few Michael Jackson recordings in there. But that’s just me. You might have your own go-to things that are never not relevant. They will find other late night Michael Jackson aficionados and who knows — you might end with new, tired and confused friends.

If you’re up to the challenge you can provide a description. Like a sort of guided trip or journal entry of a fever dream. Fun!

