7 Psychological Advice That Will Help You ‘Enjoy’ the Lockdown

Let’s think of this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Stella Fidem


20% of the world population is on lockdown today. That’s around 1.7 billion people who were asked to stay at home.

You are not alone. We’re all experiencing a weird moment together. We can either live it in fear and resentment, or we can try to get the best out of it and out of ourselves.

I know it’s not easy. This is my third week of self-isolation/lockdown. I live alone and the first week was a nightmare, the second was a little bit better. I learned to change my mindset and my perspective, I adopted a routine that works for me, shared with my partner, family, and friends. We’re all on different continents, so we’re not living the lockdown at the same rhythm, and the anxiety is high. I don’t know when we’ll be reunited or how things will evolve.


Implementing my advice worked; the moods are better, the attitudes are more positive, and we need more of this in the world today, so I thought I’d share it with you too.

Set up a routine

Humans are creatures of habit.
That’s why it was so distressing when we were asked to be confined; it’s a change of all our daily patterns.



Stella Fidem

Neuroscience PhD | Exposing the secrets of the human brain | At the intersection of Creativity & Science ❤ | Founder of BePeers.com | Editor of BrainChronicles