Our Blockchain Mission to Bogota — Part II

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4 min readApr 23, 2018

On February 16th 2017 we landed in Bogota — and got picked-up by the bank’s representative from the International airport. Before our arrival we’ve been working on the agenda along with the bank’s tech team — with planned goals and a detailed framework for our visit. Preparing our work visit was one heck of a challenge — as both parties didn’t knew what to expect, and how prepared we are for showing Banco Davivienda how by implementing Blockchain they could become first-movers in the South-American banking ecosystem.

On the first day, we arrived at the bank’s HQ located about 10 minutes drive from downtown, using Uber — which surprisingly works in Bogota even better than in the United-States. When we stepped in the Davivienda’s conference room we had a brief introduction session with Oscar, the bank’s head of innovation, and we went over the agenda together.

Working, Colombian Style — with a fresh Mango juice to fuel the day.

During the 1st day, Once again I remembered how warm and welcoming the Colombians are — and along with the bank’s management team we spent an awesome time in Andres D.C- probably one of the most famous restaurants and salsa venues in South-America. Than, in the morning after, we got to work.

Matan Cohen, our CTO, myself and Or Demri — in the Davivienda’s HQ in financial district of Bogota, Colombia.

We mapped 3 potential Blockchain use-cases for the bank:

  1. Using Blockchain for remittance — allowing Colombians abroad to send money back home to their families who are using Davivienda’s banking services.
  2. Using Blockchain for the bank’s rewards club — Daviviend’as rewards club is one of the largest in Colombia — and we presented a way for it to be developed on-top of a decentralized points-system — allowing all of the parties in the rewards club (airlines, retail mega-stores and consumer clubs to collaborate transparently).
  3. Using Blockchain for organizational payment solutions — allowing its employees to pay for their lunch on features point of sales using a digital currency accepted throughout a wide network.

If I could describe in one sentence the challenge in explaining Blockchain’s advantages is that for most of the people who would hear about it — they will not quite understand why Blockchain is a revolutionary technology.

  • “Sending money? I can do it in one click using the DaviPlata p2p payment app, and I have someone to complain to!”
  • “Paying for lunch with a virtual coin? Why?”
  • “Using Blockchain for documentation, KYC and contracts? It seems slow, challenging and not so effective”

These are some of the comments we got throughout our visit — all are totally understandable, as existing technological solutions are faster, easier to use and are deeply implemented in our daily routine — so why should we change it?

Pitching to 70 Grupo Bolivar’s managers — presenting them with Blockchain use-cases for their departments

In my humble opinion — startups and technology are all about solving problems or improve the existing reality, real problems. When we encounter solutions that are not quite comprehensible for us — we usually either don’t get the technological aspect of it, or just don’t get why the idea is necessary. Blockchain’s most famous use is the Bitcoin — but since Bitcoin is quite comprehensible for the average Joe, many other use-cases are just not justifying the use of Blockchain as their back-bone.

On the contrary — where the back-bone is valid for Blockchain — the opportunity is enormous.

“Listen, Blockchain will make your bank great again” — Efraín Enrique Forero Fonseca, president of Banco Davivienda, listening to our final presentation of our Blockchain mission to Bogota.

Since almost a year has past since our visit in Colombia, cryptocurrencies has spread like wild-fire — and we’re witnessing a global, fascinating and mind-blowing movement that involves multiple parties — startups, consumers, investors and global organizations. It’s HUGE. Industries like Gaming, Insurance, Banking, Travel and more are more than ready for it.

With the Bank’s innovation team and management in Andres D.C

And now what?

6 Months ago, and after 2 years of learning and professionalizing on Blockchain tech, we initiated BrainerZ, our newborn and soon-to-be presented venture, targeting the social-gaming industry.

Next blog will be all about the first steps of making that happen, cheers!




The world’s first playground for social-games powered by the ethereum blockchain — in this blog the team will share their notes with the world!