‘Make Food Great Again’- How Trump’s Presidential Campaign Can Inspire the Food World.

Donald Trump’s journey from reality TV to the world’s top job teaches valuable lessons about building a movement.

Gavin Wren
Brain Food Magazine


Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash, edited by Gavin Wren

“It’s fucked mate. Your car is fucked.”

The palms of my hands moisten and my eyelids slowly close, as I try to recall my credit card balance, and calculate whether the unworn jeans I bought on payday are still within their 28 day free returns period.

On the phone is a mechanic, the expert with all the knowledge. I’m at the mercy of his facts. I try to swallow, but my throat is dry and the lump doesn’t want to go down.

“Wh.. wh.. what’s the problem?” I say.

It didn’t seem fucked when I dropped it off at the garage on the way to work this morning. A little tired perhaps, like most people, but certainly not fucked. I only wanted a basic service, MOT and new windscreen wipers.

“The fuelling is all over the place, cylinder three was running lean, totally underfuelled while 2 and 4 were running rich. There was a leaf in your intake meaning the whole thing was starved of air at idle.”

“Oh, ok. Sounds complicated. Is that everything?”

