Junk Food Makes People Fat

Why do I need to say this?

Gavin Wren
Brain Food Magazine


Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davies recently suggested banning the promotion and advertising of junk food, alongside a blanket ban on eating and drinking on public transport, except water, or for health reasons.

Outrage ensued, people calling it a ridiculous measure and dismissing the idea, but her ideas are incredibly logical, with society’s best interests at heart. Junk food makes people fat, and I can’t believe I need to say that.

Junk Food Makes People Fat

People never have enough time, working long hours with hectic commutes and trying to have a life outside of work means there’s barely time to eat. Junk food eaten on the train is cheaper than individual ingredients to make a meal and quicker than cooking from scratch. Junk food also tastes good and is high in calories, making it filling.

There’s an elephant in the room. Junk food makes people fat and unhealthy. We need a constant reminder of this fact, because it’s easy to forget and the issue gets clouded by other problems.

It doesn’t need to be like this. You are a strong person who can stand up for yourself and I’m sure you eat healthily. Everyone eats healthily, or at least they try to. The same goes for driving a car, everyone thinks they have…

