BrainFunc :: Dev Update :: v2.0

Tejas Nikumbh
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2018

I know this development update has come after a long time, but there’s a lot of ground that has been covered as well! You won’t be disappointed. Here is what we’ve been able to accomplish in the last month. Since the last update, we’ve added the following features.

Neuron Store

You can now buy Neurons on the blockchain using our game! We’ve specifically built a great Neuron store for you in order to do that. For the current dev update, we’ve restricted users to buy ONE Neuron per transaction, to avoid unnecessary delays on the blockchain. But this will change soon, in future updates as we update our codebase.

Neuron Store — BrainFunc

My Stash

My stash is your version of your wallet, a brand new space of your own where you can store your collectibles. Namely, your Neurons, Brainparts and more (the Game Universe Items). Here you will be able to see all the in game assets you’ve bought on the blockchain. There are two types of assets visible here.

Neurons and Brainparts

These are in game collectibles bought using Ether from within BrainFunc. These are useful for battles within the game, as we’ve discussed in the play tutorial here. You can see both of these collectibles inside My Stash, with seperate sections dedicated to each.

My Stash — BrainFunc

You will also notice that you are able to see a wallet address and the total number of Neurons and Brainparts that you own in the header. Well that address is the address associated with Metamask.

Game Universe Items

This aspect of the game is true innovation from the point of view of cross game interoperability. We’ve been able to integrate game items from different compatible sources, to provide item interoperability to our players that would help them exchange/transform items from other games into in-game BrainFunc collectibles, specifically Brainparts.

Example of Cross Game Item Interoperability — Alto Challenge Loot

This aspect of the game allows for much greater usability of our game items and provides the players a use-case for our game items not just within the game, but even beyond. Gamers are truly able to use their earned items beyond just the game that they are playing, leveraging the true power of the blockchain.

Note: We’ve integrated the Alto Loot Items in this Dev Update, as they provide excellent APIs


Yes, we said we have an alpha. What’s an alpha without the ability to use your crypto items? For this Development update, we’ve setup a mini gaming mechanism through which you can battle an AI opponent, wherein you choose the correct brainparts for a given task, from amongst those that you own. Your score is then calculated based on time taken and answer accuracy.

Sneak peek of Battleground and Results — BrainFunc

You can also view the results of the battle in a detailed manner on the results page, wherein you will see progressive increase or decrease of your brainpart strength depending on whether or not you chose the brainpart correctly.

Finally we have external links to Library and Play Tutorials, which we intend to update soon! The next development update will be much more interesting!

Plans for Development Update v2.1

Code Modularization

Much of the code needs to be modularized, so this dev update will focus on that as one important aspect.

Animated Loaders

Concretely we will have animated loaders on all the parts of the MyStash Page, that are currently missing. We will also introduce loaders on Battleground page.

We are also contemplating the possibility of introducing loaders on event triggers that are done when using send transactions on meta mask, may be for a future dev update.

Play Tutorial Page Update

We will update the Play tutorial page with a brand new design, updating it with video tutorials about in game play that will help you play the game!

Upgrade Brainpart Strength on the Blockchain

Currently our logic for this is front end based. We intend to migrate to blockchain based strength upgrade for brainparts, when they are upgraded after playing battles. This will ensure that they increase in strength on the blockchain, paving way for our marketplace introduction in Development Update v3.0 !

Stay Tuned

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Tejas Nikumbh

Innovator. Designer. Developer. I build things.