BrainFunc :: Dev Update :: v1.0

Tejas Nikumbh
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2018

I’ve decided to start a series of blogs about dev updates related to the development work at BrainFunc. I believe this will help me keep track of the work I’ve done so far, and plan ahead, and also raise awareness about the game at the same time. Without further delay, here are the dev updates for the week.

Website Re-Design

This week was all about setting up the skeleton for the project. I was able refresh up on Blockchain Dev through , post which it was important to re-design the website to reflect the final game version which I intend to deploy.

Snapshot of the current version of the website, live at

I learnt a bunch of stuff about SVG graphics here, and it’s incredible how easy it is to build them using sketch. I used them to my advantage.

Social Media Setup

Since it is important to have a web presence, my intention this week was to get BrainFunc on all social medias as quickly as possible. With our core focus being twitter, medium, telegram and reddit, I set up the social media presence for the game. I also created a youtube channel, wherein I intend to deploy a gameplay video, should time permit.

Gameplay Instructions and FAQs

I also created a draft of the gameplay instructions for the game and FAQs, which should suffice for the game. They will keep evolving as the game adds more complex features. More importantly, they provide users an easy way to learn about game mechanics and learning how to play.

That’s it! That was it for this week. Next week, I intend to have the Smart Contracts for the game ready, post which I intend to develop the Front End.

Hopefully will be able to get more than this done! Wish me luck.

Stay Tuned

Don’t forget to follow the medium publication! Also, please consider doing the following. It increases my will and enthusiasm! Plus there’s something planned for early adopters *wink*

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Tejas Nikumbh

Innovator. Designer. Developer. I build things.