Releasing our Play Tutorials… 🚌

Tejas Nikumbh
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2018

There’s some very good news for people following us from the get go. We’ve just released play tutorials for our basic gameplay! You can find the complete walkthrough here.

Don’t worry, if you’re interested in only a particular section, we’ve got you covered. Here are part wise HD Videos, with features covered step by step!


The game requires Meta mask. If you’re interested in setting up metamask and setting it up for the game, follow the tutorials here :: Setting up Metamask for the game. If you already know what metamask is, great! Just set it up on the Rinkeby Test Net and get some sample ether from a rinkeby faucet to play the game!

The Neuron Store :: Buying Neurons

You don’t have to leave your cushy chair to go get Neurons for this game. Neurons are the de facto items in the game, useful for the most crucial function in-game — Constructing Brainparts. Here’s a tutorial about the same

Buying Neurons on the Neuron Store

Constructing Brainparts

(a) Construction using Neurons

Once you have some Neurons in your kitty, it’s time to construct Brainparts using them! You can use them to battle with other players, and they are the most important collectibles in the game! Here’s a tutorial about Brainpart construction on the Blockchain, using game.

Constructing Brainparts using Neurons

(b) Transmogrifying using The Game Universe

The game universe is a concept out of this world all together. It is something we believe is truly innovative from point of view of actually using the collectibles you’ve earned in game inside other games. With the game universe, you can use the collectibles earned in other games inside BrainFunc to construct brainparts! How cool is that?

In the future as we form more partnerships, you will also be able to use the brainparts from within BrainFunc inside other games, making BrainFunc a truly decentralized game and leveraging the incredible power of Blockchain.

Transmorgifying collectibles from other games into Brainparts

Fighting Battles

We now come to the core game play! Using our Brainparts to actually fight battles within games! With battles, you can increase the strength of your brainparts (making them stronger means they are more valuable). Learn cool stuff about the functioning of different parts of the brain (since you’ll require this knowledge to fight battles) and have a great deal of fun! Here’s a video about how to fight battles.

Fighting battles using Brainparts


For this version, that’s it folks! We’ll be increasing the game play interactivity exponentially and making it a lot more superinteresting, especially now that we have our collectible buying in place.

There will also be a way to sell brainparts on the market place, further increasing the addictiveness of the game! Soon, enough (in the next Dev Update), we’ll be setting up a Play Tutorials Page, wherein we will regularly update tutorials about new features as we implement them. Till then, adios!

Stay Tuned

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Tejas Nikumbh

Innovator. Designer. Developer. I build things.