Meet Chris Waters, director of the Centre for Engineering Education Outreach at Tufts.

Brainiac Club
Brainiac Club Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2016

See the video right here.

Chris’s inspiration stems from his own children and walking alongside their education process. How do you inspire young children? How do you encourage them to value the learning process as well as their opinion, their unique problem solving abilities ? How can you bring technology and Engineering at much earlier stages in their educational development — or rather, how can you use technology, digital mediums and engineering to promote growth, interest, and education ?

A professor at TUFTS and TechGenius, Chris Waters closely collaborates with LEGO corporation and together they developed ROBOLAB, a platform to learn Math and Science through lego robotics. How awesome does that sound ?

Chris travels the world to give conferences to thousands of teachers on Engineering Education namely using LEGO bricks and learning Manufacturing through building musical instruments. Yes, inventing and conceptualising your own musical instrument, figuring out how it all physically and engineeringly works and manufacturing it. Amazing.

Now, this got the Brainiac.Club team really excited !!!Brainiac.Club hopes to collaborate with Professor Chris Waters to bring these amazing educational initiatives to an even wider reach.

Want to see these unique musical instruments ?

You can watch the video here.

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Brainiac Club Blog

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