2 Things to Do in the Bathroom That Will Make Your Life Like 40% Better

Abraham Piper
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2017
Bonus tip: Keep bathroom doors closed.

Last week Josh and I were quoted in an Inc article about “daily rituals that executives swear by”…and we both talked about the bathroom.

Josh recommends that you…

Write on bathroom mirrors.

I have yearly, quarterly and monthly goals which get distilled down to daily metrics and habits. I use a dry erase marker on my bathroom mirror to keep track of the habits. Last month, I drew a makeshift calendar where each day I marked whether I had read, wrote, exercised, and not drank (which was a monthly challenge). If I got all four I’d put a line through the day as a celebration. It’s the little nerdy things.

Nerdy indeed. But hey, it works to keep priorities consistently in front of him, because where does he (or anyone) go more consistently than the bathroom, right?

And, as it turns out, I hinged my Inc.-cited “daily ritual” on the same feature of the human experience — the need to micturate. If I could suggest one practical choice that would improve most anybody’s life, it would be to…

Get up before 5AM.

Brainjolt was built on the work I did for 5 years every day between the hours of 4:30 and 7:00AM. It sounds hard, but it’s not: Just drink a couple glasses of water before bed so you’ll want to get up to go to the bathroom between 4:00 and 5:00. And then just stay up. Everyone else will still be sleeping. And when people are sleeping, they can’t expect anything from you. It’s your time.

So there you have it. Two simple ways to improve life from the bathroom. If you start getting up before 5AM and then keep your goals constantly in mind by jotting them down on the bathroom mirror, your life will improve like 38% by our calculations. (I rounded up in the title.) Josh personally guarantees this or your money back.



Abraham Piper

Founder and Chief Creative Officer at Brainjolt. Yeah, we're hiring.