How I Prioritize Feelings First for More Empathetic Interactions

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Personal Growth
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2 min read2 days ago

Have you ever noticed that conflicts often escalate when feelings are dismissed or ignored? I’ve learned that prioritizing feelings first can lead to more empathetic and supportive interactions, even when I don’t fully agree with the other person.

Acknowledge Feelings

I start by recognizing and validating the other person’s emotions. For example, if my partner seems upset after a long day at work, I might say, “I can see that you’re really stressed right now.” This simple acknowledgment shows that I’m paying attention and that their feelings are important.

Express Understanding

Next, I express understanding, even if I don’t agree with their perspective. This involves showing empathy and letting them know I get how they feel. When my friend was frustrated about a project, I said, “I understand that you’re feeling really frustrated about how things are going.” This helped them feel heard and supported.

Avoid Immediate Solutions

I focus on their feelings before jumping to solutions. It’s tempting to try and fix the problem right away, but sometimes people just need to feel understood. For instance, when my child is upset about school, instead of immediately offering solutions, I say, “I hear that you’re upset. It sounds like it’s been a tough day.” This approach allows them to process their emotions first.

The Benefits

By prioritizing feelings first, I achieve more empathetic interactions. This practice fosters a supportive and understanding environment, making it easier for others to open up. In my experience, acknowledging and validating feelings has significantly improved my relationships with family and friends.

Reduced Conflict

This approach helps de-escalate conflicts by showing respect for their feelings. When people feel heard and understood, they are less likely to be defensive or confrontational. This has been particularly helpful in my family, where we’ve managed to resolve disagreements more calmly and constructively.

Why It Works

Validation shows you respect their feelings and helps de-escalate conflict. According to the American Psychological Association, acknowledging and validating emotions can reduce tension and lead to more positive interactions. This practice helps build trust and empathy, making it easier to navigate difficult conversations.

Personal Growth and Smart Habits

To help prioritize feelings first in your interactions, consider using an app designed for personal growth and habit tracking. These tools can remind you to focus on empathy and provide tips on effective communication.

👉 Download the app for Personal Growth and Habit tracking on Appstore

👉 Download the app for Personal Growth and Habit tracking on Google play


Q: How do I start prioritizing feelings first?
A: Begin by actively listening and acknowledging the other person’s emotions. Practice expressing understanding without immediately offering solutions.

Q: What if the other person doesn’t feel validated?
A: If they still feel unheard, ask clarifying questions and show genuine interest in their feelings. Sometimes, just spending more time listening can make a big difference.

Q: Can this approach be used in professional settings?
A: Yes, prioritizing feelings can improve workplace relationships and communication. It helps create a more supportive and empathetic environment at work.



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Personal Growth

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