How to Focus on What You Can Do: A Practical Approach to Reducing Stress

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Personal Growth
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3 min read1 hour ago

We often find ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of things we worry about.

According to the American Institute of Stress, 73% of people experience stress that impacts their mental health. One method we’ve found particularly effective in managing this stress is focusing on what we can control.

This approach has helped us set achievable goals and reduce unnecessary worry.

The Concept of Control

Focusing on what we can control isn’t just a feel-good exercise; it has tangible benefits. Research from the University of Miami shows that people who focus on controllable factors have lower stress levels and better mental health .

This method involves visualizing what we can and cannot control, which in turn helps us direct our energy more effectively.

Our Approach to Focusing on What We Can Do

Here’s a simple technique we use to distinguish between controllable and uncontrollable factors:

  1. Draw Two Circles: We start by drawing two circles. In the first circle, we list all the things we can control. In the second circle, we list things we cannot control. This visualization helps us see the big picture and where to focus our efforts.
  2. Set Clear Goals: Based on the items in the first circle, we set clear, achievable goals. This ensures our energy is directed toward actions that can make a difference.

Benefits We’ve Experienced

By using this method, we’ve noticed several positive changes:

  • Less Worry: We’ve reduced stress about uncontrollable factors. Knowing what we can and cannot control helps us let go of unnecessary worries.
  • More Focus: We’re able to direct our energy toward achievable goals. This has improved our productivity and overall sense of accomplishment.

Why This Method Works

This method works because it aligns our actions with what’s realistically achievable. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, focusing on controllable factors significantly improves goal achievement and reduces stress .

A Tool That Can Help

To support this practice, we use an app designed for personal growth and habit tracking. It helps us stay on track with our goals and reminds us to focus on what we can control.

👉 Download the app for Personal Growth and Habit tracking on Appstore

👉 Download the app for Personal Growth and Habit tracking on Google play


Q: How often should we review and update our circles of control?

A: Reviewing and updating your circles weekly can help keep your goals aligned with what’s most important and manageable.

Q: Can this method help with long-term stress management?

A: Absolutely. By consistently focusing on controllable factors, you build a habit that can lead to long-term stress reduction and improved mental health.

Q: Do we need any special tools for this method?

A: No special tools are required. A simple piece of paper and a pen will do. However, using an app can help track your goals and progress more efficiently.

Final Thoughts

Focusing on what we can control is a simple yet powerful way to reduce stress and improve productivity. By visualizing controllable and uncontrollable factors and setting clear goals, we can better manage our time and energy.

Try this approach and see how it can help you achieve a more focused and stress-free life.


  1. American Institute of Stress: Statistics on stress and mental health.
  2. University of Miami: Research on the benefits of focusing on controllable factors.
  3. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Study on goal achievement and stress reduction.

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Personal Growth

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