Neurons are thought to use a conveyor-style method to transmit molecules to their branches. Image taken from an image by Takashi Hososhima (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Delivery for a neurite

Computational modeling supports the theory that neurons transport molecules to their extremities according to a ‘sushi-belt’ model.

Brains and Behaviour
3 min readMar 3, 2017


Neurons are the workhorses of the nervous system, forming intricate networks to store, process and exchange information. They often connect to many thousands of other cells via intricate branched structures called neurites. This gives neurons their complex tree-like shape, which distinguishes them from many other kinds of cell.

However, like all cells, neurons must continually repair and replace their internal components as they become damaged. Neurons also need to be able to produce new components at particular times, for example, when they establish new connections and form memories. But how do neurons ensure that these components are delivered to the right place at the right time? In some cases neurons simply recycle components or make new ones where they are needed, but experiments suggest that they transport other essential components up and down neurites as though on a conveyor belt. Individual parts of a neuron are believed to select certain components they need from those that pass by. But can this system, which is known as the sushi-belt model, distribute material to all parts of neurons despite their complex shapes?

Using computational and mathematical modeling, Alex Williams and co-workers show that this model can indeed account for transport within neurons, but that it also predicts certain tradeoffs. To maintain accurate delivery, neurons must be able to tolerate delays of hours to days for components to be distributed. Neurons can reduce these delays, for example, by manufacturing more components than they need. However, such solutions are costly. Tradeoffs between the speed, accuracy and efficiency of delivery thus limit the ability of neurons to adapt and repair themselves, and may constrain the speed and accuracy with which they can form new connections and memories.

In the future, experimental work should reveal whether the relationships predicted by this model apply in real cells. In particular, studies should examine whether neurons with different shapes and roles fine-tune the delivery system to suit their particular needs. For example, some neurons may tolerate long delays to ensure components are delivered to the exactly the right locations, while others may prioritize speedy delivery.

To find out more

Read the eLife research paper on which this eLife digest is based: “Dendritic trafficking faces physiologically critical speed-precision tradeoffs” (December 30, 2016).

Listen to Timothy O’Leary discuss transport in neurons in episode 36 of the eLife podcast.

eLife is an open-access journal that publishes outstanding research in the life sciences and biomedicine.
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