Image Credit: Rob Curran (CC0)

Out of tune

It becomes harder to understand speech in noisy settings with age because the brain becomes less able to tune into the rhythms of speech.

2 min readAug 24, 2020


It can often be difficult for an older person to understand what someone is saying, particularly in noisy environments. Exactly how and why this age-related change occurs is not clear, but it is thought that older individuals may become less able to tune in to certain features of sound.

Newer tools are making it easier to study age-related changes in hearing in the brain. For example, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can allow scientists to ‘see’ and measure how certain parts of the brain react to different features of sound. Using fMRI data, researchers can compare how younger and older people process speech. They can also track how speech processing in the brain changes with age.

Now, Erb et al. show that older individuals have a harder time tuning into the rhythm of speech. In the experiments, 64 people between the ages of 18 to 78 were asked to listen to speech in a noisy setting while they underwent fMRI. The researchers then tested a computer model using the data. In the older individuals, the brain’s tuning to the timing or rhythm of speech was broader, while the younger participants were more able to finely tune into this feature of sound. The older a person was the less able their brain was to distinguish rhythms in speech, likely making it harder to understand what had been said.

This hearing change likely occurs because brain cells become less specialised overtime, which can contribute to many kinds of age-related cognitive decline. This new information about why understanding speech becomes more difficult with age may help scientists develop better hearing aids that are individualised to a person’s specific needs.

