The brains of insects can perform incredibly complex tasks. Image credit: JJ Harrison (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Predicting the path of prey

Understanding how the dragonfly brain tracks temporarily obscured prey could help us design self-driving cars.

3 min readOct 12, 2017


Catching a ball requires a person to track the speed and direction of a small moving target often against a cluttered and varying background. Predatory insects, like dragonflies, face a similar challenge when they pursue their prey through the air. The task is made a little easier, however, by the fact that most moving targets tend to follow predictable trajectories. Indeed, animals are also better at tracking targets that follow smooth continuous trajectories, suggesting that brains have evolved to exploit the normal behavior of visual stimuli to reduce their workload.

To find out how this process works, Steven Wiederman, Joseph Fabian and colleagues studied the brains of dragonflies as they watched a black square intended to mimic prey. Brain cells called Small Target Motion Detectors (or STMD neurons for short) became more active in response to the target. But rather than simply following the target, the STMD neurons instead predicted its future location. In fact, individual neurons were more sensitive to movements occurring just ahead of the target’s current position, and less sensitive to movements occurring elsewhere.

If the target abruptly disappeared, the point in space where the neurons were most sensitive to movement continued to gradually move forward over time. Given that real-life targets typically disappear when they move behind other objects, this suggests that the brain is predicting where the target is most likely to reappear. The STMD neurons became more sensitive to movement by increasing their ability to detect differences in brightness between the target and its background. In some cases, the neurons increased their sensitivity more than five-fold.

Insects and mammals last shared a common ancestor more than 500 million years ago, and, in many respects, mammalian brains are substantially more complex than insect brains. Nevertheless, the results of Wiederman, Fabian and colleagues show that the insect brain can perform visual tasks that were previously associated only with mammals. Neuroscientists and engineers have used the insect brain for decades to study the circuits that support biological processes. In the coming years, insects such as the dragonfly may enable us to explore how visual regions of the brain predict future events. This knowledge could ultimately be applied to artificial vision systems, such as those in self-driving cars.

To find out more

Read the eLife research paper on which this eLife digest is based: “A predictive focus of gain modulation encodes target trajectories in insect vision” (July 25, 2017).

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