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Too much of a good thing?

The mediodorsal thalamus enables animals to adjust their behavior when a previously desirable outcome loses its appeal.

3 min readJul 25, 2018


Most of us have experienced feeling full after a main course, only to discover that we somehow still have room for dessert. Eating a particular food to the point of satiety makes that item temporarily less appealing. This is an example of reward devaluation. We typically respond to this phenomenon by adjusting our behavior. We give up on the main course, for example, and turn our attention instead to dessert. This ability to adjust our actions based on changes in the value of their outcomes is a form of behavioral flexibility.

Several brain regions contribute to behavioral flexibility. These include the amygdala, parts of the orbitofrontal cortex, and the mediodorsal thalamus. Wicker et al. have now explored the role of the mediodorsal thalamus by temporarily inactivating it in monkeys performing a task involving reward devaluation. The monkeys learned to associate one set of objects with peanuts and another with fruit. They were then given unlimited access to either peanuts or fruit. Finally, they were offered a choice between the two sets of objects. Like people who opt for dessert rather than another helping of a main course, the monkeys that had received peanuts chose the objects associated with fruit, and vice versa.

Temporarily inactivating the mediodorsal thalamus prevented this change in behavior. This occurred if the inactivation took place while the monkeys had unlimited access to the reward, or if it took place while they were choosing between the two objects. The mediodorsal thalamus is thus required both to update the value of a reward and to select the best course of action. This is in contrast to the amygdala and the orbitofrontal cortex, which each support only one of these processes.

Impaired behavioral flexibility is a hallmark of neuropsychiatric disorders, including addiction. Understanding the brain networks that support flexible responding may help improve the treatment of such disorders. As therapies that involve electrically stimulating the brain become more common, knowing which regions to avoid will be just as important as identifying new targets.

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