How to add a dark mode splash screen to a React Native app

Natalia Majkowska-Stewart
Brains & Beards
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2019
Photo by Alex on Unsplash

Welcome to the dark side! Dark mode is everywhere after the new iOS 13 update. A lot of developers have started adjusting apps to support a dark theme but a lot of developers are also forgetting to adjust the splash screen. In this tutorial I will show you how to give your app a dark mode splash screen in 10 minutes.

You can toggle a light or dark splash screen based on your phone’s settings. In Android, you can find the setting here: Settings -> Display -> Dark mode. In iOS: Settings -> Display -> Brightness.

iOS Dark Mode Splash Screen

Let’s do iOS first. Open your react-native iOS project in Xcode.

Add your image assets to Images.xcassets and on the right-side options section set the Appearance to Any, Light, Dark. Fill the image gaps as needed. In my example, the smiling face is for light mode, and the sad face is for dark mode.

In the LaunchScreen.xib, set the background for the view as a System Background Color. You can do the same thing for the image as well.


Easy, yes?

Android Dark Mode Splash Screen

Let’s address Android. Open your project in Android Studio. In my sample Android project I have SplashScreenActivity which basically starts MainActivity.

In the AndroidManifest.xml file you need to define SplashScreenActivity in LAUNCHER mode. I also added android:theme=”@style/SplashTheme”. This line is responsible for our splash theme.

The next step is to add a directory for values-night. The file structure for res should be similar to the following:

Project structure

In the values-night folder, create a styles.xml file with the following:

Dark theme

I added a background to SplashTheme as a drawable with my splash screen layout for dark mode. Do the same for light mode, as follows:

Light theme

Now you need to add two drawables: splash_screen_dark.xml and splash_screen_light.xml, and set the images as needed. Here is my example:

Rebuild the project and that’s it :)

If you’re using react-native-splash-screen, you can set the theme colors for your launch_screen in

You also need to update styles.xml. Similar to the following:

Create a theme.xml file inside the values folder and add the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<attr name="textColor" format="color"/>
<attr name="colorAccent" format="color"/>
<attr name="backgroundColor" format="color"/>
<attr name="splashBackgroundColor" format="color" />

After that, you can refer to values:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Adding a splash screen based on a user’s theme settings is super easy for iOS. For Android, like most of the time, it’s a bit more effort to make it work but not that difficult. I hope you enjoy my tutorial and if you like it you can give me a 👏. May the force be with you! 💫



Natalia Majkowska-Stewart
Brains & Beards

React and React Native developer in Brains & Beards. Instagram: mobile_dev_girl