dog curious

Peculiar Julia
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2021


a bite-size dog tale (straight from the doggy’s maw)

Bee at work on her blog. Image by Julia Kantic ©

Some dogs have eyes that gaze as though they take in everything, filled with compassion, an all-encompassing acceptance, forgiveness even, for all the stupidities and foibles a human might display. They are man’s best friend, loyal, kind, protective, patient, dutiful.

It’s early days — but I don’t think I’m that kind of dog.

I’m special, you see. Time will only tell just what kind of dog I am beyond my cute nose and adorable fluff, but…I think…I’m likely…valiant mostly (at least when it comes to defending my ball), a lollopy free spirit, and frequently hungry.

I suppose it’s possible I might not turn out to be a dog at all — I do enjoy being slinky like a cat for example, and I’ve tried out being other animals on my Familee — a pig snorting whilst rolling on my back; a squirrel gnawing on a shoe as shiny as an acorn; a cat, again, leaping from chair to chair or purring on a lap; even an otter swimming after Her when She tried to escape into the sea. But, for now, on balance I’m going to go with dog or at least ‘dog curious’.

Even strangers in the street don’t know so how should I? But as they keep asking what kind of dog I am — I guess they think I’m a dog. She always says ‘a mutt’ or a ‘Heinz dog’ (but apparently even Heinz dogs come in 57 varieties). Later She tells…



Peculiar Julia

Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them?