The nonsense I’m telling myself in April

My NaPoWriMo Diary: Prompt Eleven

Through the looking glass

Peculiar Julia
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2024


Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Turn it up to 11

Why am I here writing this blog? How on earth have I managed to keep it going for eleven days? This is not me. I mean, it is me as I love encouraging people to write and splurging out the contents of my early-morning brain, but it’s not me as I’m about as reliable as a poet near a field of daffodils, or caught by the play of light over a stormy sea, and I have a readership of about three (thank you all dearly ❤).

Poets aren’t just notorious for being caught in a reverie by a beautiful sight or a mind-bending thought, they’re also known for the odd bit of navel-gazing, and I guess this blog could be considered bellybutton-adjacent…but today we’re turning up the poetic indulgence to full volume plus one: let’s jump into that head first with a bit of meta-poetry — or poetry about writing poetry.

Your Prompt

Should you choose to accept it…

Write a poem about poetry, or a poem about writing poetry, or a poem about writing the exact same poem that you’re writing.

NaPo Party Bag



Peculiar Julia

Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them?