The nonsense I’m telling myself in April

My NaPoWriMo Diary: Prompt Thirteen

Going over to the dark side

Peculiar Julia
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2024


Photo by Leslie Cross on Unsplash

I thought of the subtitle and then wondered how you go over to the dark side in poetry? Maybe prose poems? Or rhyme without reason? Or you write a poem, only to slaughter every darling word? Like an erasure, but everything must go? Or write about the dark side of the moon? Pagan poetry (a personal favourite)? Poetry hung upside down and backwards? Making a poem by stealing the words of another poem? (Yes it’s a thing — a wonderful thing).

Yes, brave reader, we are entering the dark realms now. Experimental forms — known, unknown, or invented by you this very day.

Found poetry, erasure, false non-fiction (a poem pretending to be something else), a poem where the words form a pattern, or maybe a cleave poem that says so many things at once it makes the reader’s head want to explode. A poem that is a signpost or a map but still somehow a poem. A poem that is the unedited contents of your brain written back to front, bottom to top.

Your Prompt

Should you choose to accept it…

Write an experimental poem. Go beyond lines and dip your toe into the scary depths of anything goes. Put your poem in a bingo grid, or google…



Peculiar Julia

Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them?