Maybe there’s an end to nonsense at least for April

My NaPoWriMo Diary: Prompt Thirty

Nothing lasts forever

Peculiar Julia
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2024


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I managed a WHOLE MONTH — maybe miracles are real. Some days, I wander through the world and everything I meet is a miracle — the dust mote to the road kill, my mind puts a spin on it. Other days I forget to look as I’m too busy acting out life. That was going to be one of the prompts but time ran out on us shouting “nah nah nahnah nah”.

And today was going to be about endings and beginnings, hellos and goodbyes, riding off into the sunset, but I think we’ve mostly covered those… so instead…

Your Prompt

Should you choose to accept it…

Write a poem from the remnants… from your dreams last night, from your poetry leftovers of the month, from the remainders that once were special, or from my unused prompt idea list … also known as the …

NaPo Doggy Bag

  • Departure or arrival, are we nearly there yet?
  • Elements — thulium
    earth, wind, water, fire, thulium, carbon, oxygen is quite good, make an element elemental to your poem.
  • Fact-finding — find at least five facts about a random thing eg. apples, ant-eaters, stone circles, the…



Peculiar Julia

Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them?