Advanced Open Source AI LLMs

Cutting edge resources for devs

C. L. Beard


Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Exploring the latest advancements in AI, we delve into several groundbreaking projects that are pushing the boundaries of technology. From Web LLM, which brings NLP capabilities directly to web environments, to Secret Llama, an open-source chatbot running entirely in the browser, these projects showcase the diverse applications and innovations in the field.

I also examine Outlines, a library for structured text generation, DeepSeek-V2, an efficient Mixture-of-Experts language model, and the Consistency Large Language Models (CLLMs) project, which aims to reduce inference latency. Each project highlights significant strides in making AI more accessible, efficient, and integrated into various platforms.


Web LLM refers to a machine learning model that is designed to run in web environments, enabling natural language processing (NLP) capabilities directly in web applications. It leverages the power of modern web technologies and browsers to execute machine learning models without requiring server-side processing. This allows for real-time language understanding and generation tasks to be performed on the client side, enhancing user experience with faster response times and improved privacy since data does not need to be sent to a server for processing.



C. L. Beard

I am a writer living on the Salish Sea. I also publish my own AI newsletter, come check it out.