Dream Studio vs Dall-e and Midjourney


C. L. Beard
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

There has been a lot of talk recently about AI image generation. This came especially after OpenAi released Sora the text-to-video creation tool. That has some so concerned that even the likes of Tyler Perry has halted his planned studio expansion.

I have tried Sora a little and I’ll say this, it is powerful. I was not expecting this kind advancement now, maybe a year or two down the road. That’s the thing about AI development it is like, global warming, it is moving faster than we expected.

But there are still other tools out there which are not video generation tools. There are more text-to-image creator tools out there than I can remember. But I wanted to compare three that I use often. Dall-e, Midjourney and DreamStudio.ai and see which works the best.

How did I conduct this test?

I used just one prompt with each tool. It was the same prompt for each tool as well. I did just the one prompt because to understand these tools you need to check them out for yourself.

I cover a lot of AI tools and AI news in my newsletter BrainScriblr which is free to join.

The prompt I used to create the three images was “Two people sitting at a kitchen table during a blustery day discussing poetry”.

The first two are passable. Though the Midjourney image there is something very wrong with the hands of the person on the right. They look like some kind of alien hands or are in such rapid motion the hands are a blur of activity.

Dall-e did not do well. The leabes appear to be inside the house as they are on our side of the window. It acts as if the wind is blowing through the house as if there was an open window, but the windows are shut and not open. And with all of the leaves and hair going everywhere you might expect the book pages on the table to be going all over the place, but that is not happening either. What gives Dall-e, what gives.

Using Dall-e costs $20/month if you are on the paid plan

DreamStudio.ai you buy credits to use and they do not expire on a monthly basis. This is a good deal if you think the images are good enough.

Midjourney comes with a $10/month charge and your credits do not rollover to the mext month. So use them or loose them.







Check out my AI newsletter BrainScriblr if you want to learn more about AI tools, and how you can use them in your business.



C. L. Beard

I am a writer living on the Salish Sea. I also publish my own AI newsletter https://brainscriblr.beehiiv.com/, come check it out.