6 Copywriting Techniques to Take you From Beginner to Professional

Somya Sinha
Published in
5 min readAug 28, 2020

Are the rumors true? Is copywriting the glamour it is said to be? Work at home, Take naps anytime, have vacations anytime you want, and still get paid well?

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is one of the most sought after skills today. It is single-handedly responsible for a $2.3 trillion industry worldwide.

Writing copy is a skill taken up by many freelancers in pursuit of control over their schedule and the desire for freedom. Also, the barriers to entry are generally low. Just under half (46%) of the freelancers have completed copywriting training according to the Procopywriters survey.

Yet still, the average rate has increased to £349.

On average, copywriters who decide to take up this profession have five years of experience. But one thing is evident in the age we live in; you don’t have to wait five years to get into your dream profession.

If you are looking into the copywriting industry as a freelance career, it may be because you heard all its wonders. But more than that, we want to prepare you for this new venture you are undertaking. Give you the tips and tools you’ll need to stay sharp in the industry and build your relevance in a crowded marketplace.

For those already familiar with the industry, this is for you too. These tips and tools will help you create an edge for yourself and streamline your business as an expert.

The Techniques Every Copywriter needs

If you are to beat the tide, you’ll need sure, time-tested & hand-picked techniques under your belt. We don’t want to give you filler techniques that you can find anywhere else. Techniques like optimizing your headlines, check your grammar, use more visuals, and many others you can find anywhere else.

Today we want to give you the pillar techniques that have stood the test of time, with the tools to help you achieve your goals.

1. Research & Learn More

David Ogilvy said to “stuff your conscious mind with information, so you have plenty to work with.” One of Ogilvy’s students, one of the best copywriters Gary Bencivenga, noted, “The best copywriters are the most tenacious researchers. Like miners, they dig, drill, dynamite, and chip until they have carloads of valuable ore.”

The more information you have, the more possibilities you can play with. But here is the truth. Finding information in the world we live in today is like taking a glass of water from a fire hydrant.

But this doesn’t have to be the case, with Brainsfeed (a disruptor crowd-consulting platform) could get all your research outsourced and presented in a detailed, actionable report in less than 48 hours. You could always go down the road of clicking every search result from google until you find your answers, or you could have it outsourced to a professional and save your time. Because in the freelance space, time is your greatest asset.


Google search (advanced search functions) & Brainsfeed.

Brainsfeed will help you save more time and concentrate on developing your skill while getting insights from professionals.

2. Aim to Always Simplify your Content

In a world where everyone is talking, copy that converts/ simplifies scary products, features & sales terms in the prospect’s mind and gives them a sense of comfort, builds trust.

Often, beginning freelancers think that more complex copy with compounded jargon and multi-word terms makes them look more experienced in the industry. This ideology is far from the truth. Most of the top Copy ever written when analyzed is very readable even by a 6th Grader.

But simplifying your copy doesn’t mean ditching the jargon or writing to a child’s comprehension level.

It means making your message clear and concise, so the reader understands what you are trying to convey with your copy. And in the end, drive them to take action. This fact is what makes the difference between a low-level and top-level freelancer — the ability to move the prospect to take action and drive results for their clients.


Grammarly, Hemingway App, Wordcounter.

Grammarly will help your copy be compliant with basic English laws and principals. This will help you also resonate with the “grammar-bent” individual of the society. On the other hand, Hemingway enables you to simplify your content by recommending adjustments you could make to your copy to make it more readable and understandable.

3. Don’t be the smartest person, Be the one we can relate to.

I can’t stress this enough. Copywriting isn’t your ability to play with the Cambridge dictionary’s latest edition but to relate with the prospect and lead them to the desired action. The best copywriters always know when to break the rules of grammar, syntax, and phrasing.

As famous copywriter Gary Bencivenga said:

“Effective copywriting is salesmanship in print, not clever wordsmithing. The more self-effacing and invisible your selling skill, the more effective you are. Copywriters who show off their skills are as ineffective as fishermen who reveal the hook.”

Your copy should speak to your audience, not talk about yourself.


Unsuck It

If you’re in a technical industry and struggle to break down your complex business jargon into writing that your audience can easily read and understand that’s where Unsuck It comes in.

Even if you don’t find the words you’re quite looking for, it can give you a good starting point that you can take to a thesaurus.

4. Let everything you write have a clear and defined purpose.

In this world of information overload, where many content writers create content for content’s sake, the top copywriters are those whose copy can put forth a clear purpose that can be relatable for their target audience.

Too often, copywriters try to address all queries, objections, and calls to action in one piece of copy. Every copy you write should speak to a specific audience and discuss a particular objective to increase its overall conversion.

As David Ogilvy said, “In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create.” Try selling a broadly targeted copy to a super target audience.

5. Speak to your audience’s emotions

It is famously said in sales, “People buy with emotion and justify with logic.”

Most times, copywriters have this principle reversed. They write technical copy that speaks to their prospects’ logic and analytical mind.

Copy that sells is a copy that speaks to your prospect’s emotions and fulfills their internal objections to create a sense of comfort and trust.

6. Don’t be afraid of showing your personality in your copy.

Personality is that aspect that differentiates you from everyone else on the globe. The biggest problem we are facing today is a world where no one wants to be different. Everyone wants to be like everyone else.

Letting your personality come out through your copy will differentiate you from the rest and help your copy be more relatable.

Now over to you. What are some of the best techniques that have worked for you over your journey as a copywriter? And if you are just starting, what strategies have you found today that can be of great use to your journey?

