How to build the trust of Companies as a Freelancer

Aditya K.
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2018

One of the biggest challenges freelancers face is the lack of credibility placed in their services. Without a big organization or brand backing them, prospective clients are a little wary of engaging their services. It is critical then that freelancers invest time and energy into building the trust of companies. In this post, we outline a few simple steps you can take to build the trust of companies as a freelancer.

1. Make a great first impression :

Creating a positive first impression can help set the tone for future interactions with your clients. Whether it is an email you send out or a personal appearance you make, remember that everything you do is a representation of your personal brand. Ensure that your tone is friendly yet professional, and confident yet approachable. Do not hesitate to express your genuine excitement to work on the client’s projects while maintaining a professional and positive can-do attitude that can get your client invested in you and your work.

2. Ask questions :

Most freelancers hesitate to do this because they fear that this might make them appear inexperienced or confused. However, your clients will, in fact, appreciate you for it. Keep a set of standard questions handy before you start any project, so you can ensure you and your client are on the same page. Be sure to clarify concerns, outline expectations, and timelines so that there is no ambiguity or confusion later.

3. Create a process :

From onboarding new clients to soliciting intermediate feedback, make sure you have a simple process you adhere to, through your engagement with the client. Whether it is a simple requirement form that you share with the clients after your first conversation, or a timeline of your deliverables, having things documented helps you build trust with your clients while helping you build a professional face for your business.

4. Communicate clearly :

This one can be a little tricky. While you don’t want to bombard your clients with questions or email, ensure that your clients are always in the loop and updated on the latest status of the project. What can help is identifying a mutually convenient channel of communication at the start of the project, so that there is no miscommunication, and your client is abreast of the latest without feeling overwhelmed with information at any stage of the project.

5. Under-promise and overdeliver :

While this advice is best taken with a pinch of salt, this can be especially helpful if you’re someone who’s just starting out. Take time to understand the client’s requirements, but always go above and beyond to do something to truly delight your clients. Whether it is a thoughtful addition of an aspect of their personality or a feature that you think they’d benefit from, go an extra step to truly add value to your clients.

We hope these tips are helpful as you navigate the twists and turns of life as a freelancer. Like we say, remember, as a freelancer, you are your business. So, don’t forget to let your confidence and abilities shine through everything you do. Your clients and your business will thank you for it.

At Brainsfeed we make sure we guide the freelancers we onboard with such tips and tricks to get more projects and get more visibility from the companies on our platform.

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Aditya K.

The man who gets the best Talent and marketing for Brainsfeed!