How to market yourself and find clients as a freelancer

Aditya K.


Let’s face it as freelancers the biggest challenge is to find clients and market yourselves.

If you’re just getting started then chances are you have no idea how to find new clients or get your name out there in front of the right people.

While the task of finding clients and marketing your freelance business can seem really challenging, it really isn’t, provided you find the right platforms to do that.

In this post, we’ll share, how to find clients and also give you some marketing ideas, and more! Ready? Go on, keep reading…

First — Define your Target market :

Who are you trying to target? It is very important for you to know who really your audience is in relation to your freelance work. Most of the freelancers at Brainsfeed that we come across are not able to define their target market which also makes us as a platform difficult to hook them up with the right projects.

You can define your market by what type of clients you’d like to work with or what type of work you enjoy doing the most.

Second — Complete your profile on all freelancers platforms and make your profile stand out :

While screening over literally thousands of profile, we’ve seen a massive 70% freelancers with completed profiles attracting more companies and projects than the ones with half or incomplete profiles.

Make sure to use every part of your profile to showcase your skills, Let’s face it a client who’d be paying you for a project would do his research on you before going ahead, A completed profile builds more trust in an online world.

Highlight your best work in the profile and list any certifications if any.

Third — Be everywhere :

Create accounts on all major social networks( LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, Quora, Twitter), Guest post on blogs and channels, this also helps you get better search results on Google and help to create your brand identity. You’d be surprised the number of followers and leads you’ll get when you have yourself on a wide array of sites across the web.

Brainsfeed has helped reach a lot of its freelancers generate a number of leads by helping them tweak their social profiles on the platform.

Freelance Marketing Ideas :

  • The first step to market yourself as a quality freelancer is to find a way to appeal to your target market and attract them and the best way to do that is to reach out to your inner and outer circle, showcase some work on your social media channels and a build a portfolio to showcase the skills you have.
  • One of the most effective ways to get more clients into your kitty is to get on the freelance platforms like Upwork, Brainsfeed and many others.

We know how tiring it is to be lost in the crowded platforms hence we created Brainsfeed, Brainsfeed makes you visible to all the clients onboard and does not ask for unwanted documents apart from the basics, Brainsfeed is and will always remain a limited and curated platform for freelancers, so that you get to match and reach out to the relevant clients without being lost.

  • There are websites and platforms that allow you to Guest post, Share everything you know! Go to forums and answer some questions or reply to blog comments. This makes you look like an expert in the subject and increase your credibility online.

Another great way is to make small quick videos on your subject and publish online on various platforms.

  • Getting referrals, Nothing is more effective than having someone recommending your name and services, Referrals are the vital part for a freelancer and they aren’t hard to get.

Brainsfeed has recommended a lot of freelancers on the platform to their offline clients.

There, these are just some of the many tips and tricks to get your freelance carrier kicking. Remember nothing will make you an overnight success, so be patient and keep hustling for a better client reach, do get yourself signed up on Brainsfeed ASAP.



Aditya K.

The man who gets the best Talent and marketing for Brainsfeed!