3 Tips To Successfully Outsource Software Development

Farzana Afrin Tisha
Brain Station 23
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2020

I’ve shared several blogs on outsourcing sharing why it’s important to outsource then why you need the right fit for outsourcing your IT and software development services.

Can check my blogs on outsourcing to get a better idea of outsourcing.

Top 3 Reasons Enterprises Outsource Software Development-https://bit.ly/2XF9Jkq

How to Find the Right Partner for Offshore IT Outsourcing Development?-https://bit.ly/30imfrE

How To Get The Best Outcome From Your IT Service Provider-https://bit.ly/2YfAHOq

Today I’ll be sharing three key tips to successfully outsource your software development.

Tips 1: Implement Agile Methodology

Agile methodologies ensure on-time production and keep track of work during a project’s life cycle. With development is going with agile methodology products can be assembled in weekly cycles called sprints by keeping in mind all the technical and business revenue aspects. Through agile, a product owner and the software development team members can fully understand the nature of the project, the target assigned and the goals to be achieved. Therefore, better outcomes have been seen from implementing agile methodology.

Tips 2: Strictly Use Project Management Tools

The primary purpose of project management tools is to help managers plan, execute and control all aspects of the project management process by managing project tasks, calendars and conversation threads. When there are vast numbers of tasks linked to a project, the nature of it can become complex. Hence, to keep the reminder up with the list of tasks assigned to every team member PM tools are best. There are several tool teams can us according to the project demand. I’ve seen enterprise software development companies using tools like Jira, Confluence, Trello, Active Collab, etc. for managing their projects.

Tips 3: Define Communication Model

Communication is the most important item for successful software development which guarantees results are delivered as expected, issues are resolved efficiently and problems are avoided or limited. So, make sure there are transparent & clear communications between both parties and communications take place heavily.

Software & IT Outsourcing team can ensure faster and cost-effective development of technology products for any business. Hence understanding the risks and defining a proper strategy for outsourcing will provide a successful roadmap to your business goals. And you can avoid any outsourcing failure by having the right fit. Take time if needed several months to onboard your outsourcing partner who is well-aligned with your company’s style and goals to get the sweeter fruits in the long run. And you always need to treat your IT Outsourcing vendor as a strategic partner to create a win-win situation for both of you.

Well, that was all from me today. I kept it brief & precise but if you need to discuss further, feel free to reach out to me anytime!




Farzana Afrin Tisha
Brain Station 23

IT Business Developer, Digital Marketeer, Traveller, Reader, karateka.@http://bit.ly/2DtTLA0