Technology Innovation in Pharmaceutical Industry In 2020

Tanzila Tabassum
Brain Station 23
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2020

The pharmaceutical industry has always played a key role in the progress of human lives. This blog is on what technology innovation in pharmaceutical is leading the industry to the future.

Health technologies push the boundaries of how healthcare is delivered and has the power to create breakthroughs in our understanding of diseases. More relevant in the year where there is a buzzword known as COVID-19 going on as seen per Pharma Trends on McKinsey & Company. As technology evolves gradually in every aspect of life, New Innovations in the Pharmaceutical field are showing revolutionary affects in the pharmaceutical fields itself. Its complete shift affecting everything from interaction of patients with the health systems, to the way they are being provided treatment. Certain Trends and Pharma Innovations are more often observed. Because these technology innovation in pharmaceutical are so diverse and so comprehensive, it’s a major challenge for Pharma companies to stay updated.

Not only is innovation happening but it is happening rapidly. To keep up the pace the Pharma industries are involving themselves with numerous technologies such as AI integration, Big Data, CMS, AR and VR, Digitization of Medicine through Healthcare Mobile Apps, IOT integration, Blockchain, 3D printed drugs etc. These technology innovation in pharmaceutical are providing consumers a better solution in their everyday life .

Most of the Pharma companies have been found to integrate their company websites with more new and innovative technologies mainly in administration purpose. A Large number of Pharma companies are maintaining online portal systems or ERP systems to manage their employee data and to keep track of their regular work schedule. These portals are also maintaining patient information, promotional contents or advertisements to promote the Pharma products.

Most significant technology that has been used in Pharma companies so far is the implementation of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Implementation of AI not only impacted on drug development but also in drug supply chain that is ranging from time to safety to manpower. AI or artificial intelligent whichever is preferred can slash drug designing from years to days which is saving cost. The calculation that needed to be done in person can now be done by AI in shorter time. Also, the drug production cycle can be shortened by AI to reach patients faster which can be huge benefit to the Pharma industry. This is causing to form new trends in the Pharma Industry.

Another benefit that patients and consumers are getting from Pharma companies is they can consult a Pharma company for basic information via their chat bots (AI robots). While previously companies needed to hire employees to communicate with consumers about their products and other consultancies. In this modern era of technological innovation, the companies can easily put their basic information and most asked questions via technology that can be answered by an AI Robot. This solves any disruption which existed before regarding this matter.

Some of the Pharma industries are indulging themselves in more technology-based drug strategies. Rather than focusing on traditional drug manufacturing and marketing, Pharma companies will focus on newer approaches relying on technology and the changing trends of modern technological trends in the Pharma industry to appeal more to providers and payers.

To get aligned with the advancement of technology in pharmaceutical brain station is engaging to provide a comprehensive technology support. For a long time, Brain Station is providing different solutions to pharmaceutical industries that are working worldwide.

Content Management System -

Brain Station has been working for the German subsidiary of the US pharmaceutical giant, AbbVie for a long period. As one of the leading pharmaceutical enterprises, their sites and portals are required to be constantly updated. For this purpose, Brain Station provided a CMS platform solution, an enterprise level CMS for the best technology innovation in pharmaceutical industry. Brain Station utilized Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for the CMS solution of choice, and the AEM professionals of the company stepped up to the plate.

Source: Grazitti Interactive

Online Portal Management using Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) -

Brain Station developed customer facing websites and portals using Adobe Experience Manager which delivers updated news and contents regarding healthcare professionals. The contents of the websites are classified according to the areas of specialties.

Source: Healthcare IT Skills

Websites for Promoting Pharmaceutical content and Products -

Brain Station is also engaged in developing websites which promote content regarding pharmaceutical industry and their products. These AEM powered sites deliver news, updates, digital product leaflets, campaigns and promotional emails. The websites also launch products in a customized manner to the millions of consumers it serves.

Learning Management System -

The term “Learning Management System” (LMS) makes an appearance quite frequently in eLearning articles, tip sheets, and beginner’s guides. Brain Station is providing support in learning management system for Pharma companies using Moodle. The users of Pharma industry now can learn about their topics and can be guided by the LMS support via Moodle.

Integration of AI chatbot inside the websites -

In order to keep pace with technology innovation in pharmaceutical, like all the other advanced industry, Brain Station integrated AI Chatbot for some pharmaceutical solutions by which they can consult a pharma company for basic information via their chat bots AI robots. By using this chatbot the consumers can ask for information regarding the website. The chatbot will response precisely about the required information by using the algorithm that is integrated inside the system.

Source: Axtria Ingenious Insights

In this technologically evolving era, as pharmaceutical industries are trying to keep pace with the rapid speed of technology like the other software companies, Brain Station is also keeping themselves updated to provide great service and technological support to the pharmaceutical industries worldwide. Where some Pharmaceutical industries are still unclear about how the new digital technologies are going to impact drug development and commercialization, companies like Brain Station are always engaging themselves to provide perfect solutions in this sector. Technology innovation in pharmaceutical is provided by Brain Station is becoming highly essential as the trend of Pharma industries change and even more relevant now, as most people are consulting Pharma companies online, being unable to have face to face interaction. The technologies developed Brain Station and implementation of AI chatbots speeds up the entire process as a whole.

Originally published at Brain Station 23-



Tanzila Tabassum
Brain Station 23

Cybersecurity Engineer @ SIPPA Solutions | Bookaholic | Gamer | Music lover | Foodaholic | Traveller