Brainstems: Pioneering the Mycillic Intelligence Network

Devising a Mycillic Intelligence Network that promises to transform industries

5 min readJun 18, 2024



We have been a little quiet since our pre-sale on Fundrs, but that doesn’t mean we are stopping there, we have been hard at work putting together the pieces to roll out the next phase of Brainstems, supported by our incredible community, partners, and customers.

As we gear up for Phase 2 of our plan, we would like to take some moments to talk about where we are now, and what the next phase looks like.

The world is on the precipice of an era where artificial intelligence converges with Web3 technology to redefine business operations. Brainstems stands at the forefront of this revolution, designing and devising a Mycillic Intelligence Network that promises to transform industries and enhance human-AI collaboration. Our journey is marked by innovation, transparency, and a commitment to creating real-world solutions — and we would like you all to join us.

The Brainstems Vision

At the heart of Brainstems lies the vision to interconnect the world’s business ecosystems into a single, intelligent network. Our commitment to innovation and collaboration is unwavering, as we aim to enable composable and interoperable services that solve real business problems.

Imagine our collaborative-AI as an orchestra, where each industry-specific model is a unique instrument. Individually, these instruments produce beautiful sounds, but together, under the guidance of a conductor, they create a harmonious symphony.

Similarly, Brainstems integrates intelligence from various sectors, orchestrating them into a cohesive AGI that drives efficiency, innovation, and growth across industries. This universal AI business ecosystem is not just a concept; it’s a reality, creating a dynamic and interconnected future for businesses worldwide.

Picture a retail chain using separate AI systems for inventory management, customer service, and sales forecasting. Each system provides valuable insights, but when integrated, these systems communicate and collaborate seamlessly. The inventory system can predict stock shortages based on sales forecasts, while customer service AI can proactively address potential issues, creating a unified, efficient, and intelligent retail operation.

Imagine this at scale

Think of this AI ecosystem as a mycelium network in a forest.

Like how mycelium connects trees underground, enabling them to share nutrients and information, Brainstems link different business ecosystems, allowing them to share insights and resources seamlessly.

This interconnected intelligence helps each business thrive, just like the trees in a healthy forest.

The Road So Far

Since our inception, Brainstems has been on a trajectory of rapid growth and innovation. The first token pre-sale was a testament to the community’s belief in our vision, selling out within minutes and marking a significant milestone in our journey (not to mention leading to a server crash from all the interest!).

We’ve since expanded our community, achieved key milestones, and set the stage for even greater accomplishments.

To that end, we are super excited to share with you that just around the corner, we are gearing up to give our community another chance to buy the token.

This sale comes with significant progress and new developments since our last. Stay tuned for the dates and instructions on how you can be a part of this pivotal event — your participation is crucial as we build towards a smarter, interconnected future.

Anchored in reality

Brainstems is not just another project in the Web3 space; it’s a platform where real-world applications meet measurable results. Our success stories and testimonials from satisfied customers and partners speak volumes about the tangible impact we’re making.

As an investor, you’re not just buying into a token; you’re investing in a future where AI enhances every facet of business, driving growth and innovation.

Your involvement with Brainstems goes beyond investment. We invite you to engage with us in roles such as Stewards, Nodes, Federation Partners, and Delegators.

By participating, you support the project and earn rewards, aligning your success with ours. This collaborative approach ensures that we grow together, creating a robust and dynamic ecosystem that gives our community more chances to earn and hold $STEMS.

Not to mention we are close to rolling out a range of community-focussed products that not only give our backers a unique ability to measure the growth of our network, measure the total business locked, and see the real value behind industry-focussed Brainstems.

Predict the future with JedAI, track growth with our StemExplorer, and join Brainstems as we continue on our path toward a truly collaborative AI-future.

More to come — and very soon!

The future of Brainstems is filled with innovation. We’re constantly enhancing our approach with new features that promise to elevate user experience and expand our reach.

Our long-term goal is to make an impact not just on businesses but on the global economy as a whole, driving progress and connectivity.

To that end, we are committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that our solutions remain at the cutting edge of technology.

But — we don’t want to do all of this alone!

This is why we want to encourage you to join our forums, participate in AMAs, and engage with us on social media. Your insights and discussions are invaluable as we chart the path forward.

By staying engaged, you play a vital role in shaping the future of Brainstems and the broader AI community.

We are immensely grateful for your support. Your contributions and engagement are the driving forces behind our shared success.

Brainstems is more than a platform; it’s a movement towards an intelligent, decentralized future.

Engage with the community, participate in the pre-sale, and take an active role in shaping the future of AI-driven business ecosystems. Visit our website, follow us on Twitter, and join our Telegram group to stay updated on the latest developments and become a part of the Brainstems story.

Join the Brainstems Ecosystem

Discover how your business can benefit from our secure, decentralized platform and unlock the full potential of collective intelligence.

Brainstems is at the forefront of building a world where AI empowers every business to thrive.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Embrace AI-Driven Activations with Brainstems today.

Follow us everywhere to stay ahead





A DeFIM (Decentralized Federated Intelligence Mesh) Protocol for Trust-less Intelligence Interoperability across Business Supply Chains.