Meet Amedea — Ljubljana-based UX Designer and Brainster Vienna instructor

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4 min readAug 12, 2020

Cool instructor alert.🔥 Amedea Derenda Mujezinović is a firm believer that users know best when asked the right questions. She is an instructor on the Brainster UX/UI Design Bootcamp in Vienna.

She approaches product development with the design thinking mindset.

Currently works at a company called MESI, building very sexy medical devices for primary healthcare. She works as a UX designer and Product manager on different digital products, ranging from diagnostic apps for healthcare professionals to digital products that support business development and digital transformation inside the company.

She’s also one of the hosts of Ljubljana Service Jams (service design workshops) and organizer of Service Design Drinks.

Meet your instructor👇

Hi Amedea, to start off this interview — tell us about your role at MESI medical, what’s your current professional focus?

Hi Brainster! I’ve been at MESI for 6 years now, and my latest focus actually had little to do with healthcare. Lately, I’ve been focused on designing MESI’s internal tools for managing products, support distributors, and explore analytics. But at the moment I am in the midst of setting up a new department, which will explore different business models and digital products for new revenue streams. We will be creating digital products for external clients, try ourselves at growth hacking, etc.

What tools/technologies are you currently using for design?

My basic tools are sticky notes :). These have lately turned virtual in Miro, and I use them for product management, brainstorming, notes, etc. For design & prototyping, I’ve been using Figma for the past three years. My favorite though is still a black pen and a piece of paper.

Tell us about your 3 favorite projects!

The first is one you rarely see in design portfolios — because it’s actually research. I and my colleague did qualitative research about patient experience and data flows in different medical institutions across Slovenia, Italy, France, and Germany. From the research stems design guidelines for our new cloud architecture and is a base for all our design decisions from thereon. I’m especially proud of this one because it was done kind of guerilla-style, but it yielded great results we use to this day.

Second is the project I did last. Since we are selling a digital ecosystem (a tablet + wireless diagnostic modules + tablet apps + web app), with more and more customers we started realizing how hard it is for our partners to keep track of their devices. Also, we needed a new tool to support app sales. We designed a partner portal, which helps with the end customer management, is integrated with our cloud and ERP systems, and provides access to our services in a simple manner. I loved working on this because I enjoy bringing different systems together, working with various internal and external stakeholders and it was a great challenge on how to make all this data available and useful.

The third one is special because the whole workflow was created to monitor a rare condition called Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (iPAH). There are fewer than 100 people with this condition in Slovenia, but the condition progresses fast and seriously affects patients’ way of life. Only by monitoring the condition and drug intake can doctors slow down the effects. With this app, we put all of the needed information in one place, designing a web app for the doctor and a patient questionnaire on a tablet.

What will the students learn from your experience and what is your style of teaching?

What can be seen from the projects, I am a very product- and systems-oriented person. I’m interested in all aspects of the digital product and, since we have a really small team building a large product, I got to participate in all kinds of projects and different product areas.

As a designer, I’ve been ‘raised’ in Global Service Jams. First as a participant and then as a host and mentor. So my teaching style is very hands-on and learning by doing. My teaching motto is ‘A little less theory, a little more prototyping please’😃

What type of projects excites you the most? In a sense that when they fall in your hands, you can’t rest until you start working on them with great passion.

Haha, I actually don’t need much to get excited about projects. As long as there is a problem that needs solving… I also always like a challenge. If there is something I haven’t done before or there is a big system to plan, I’m your girl.

Why do you love your job? 🙂

Uf, few things. First, opportunities for improvement are everywhere. Making products which people find usable and useful, especially in the area like healthcare, where in the past the user experience was an afterthought, is really rewarding. Second, as you evolve as a UX/digital product designer, new and new areas require your attention. And there is always more to learn, more to explore and more to do.

Admissions are open for the Fall UX/UI Design Brainster Bootcamp. Join us and future-proof your career by learning from the best professionals around the globe.




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